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Environments and Promotions (Codefresh 101 webinar series)

Part 3 of our three part Codefresh 101 webinar series. The ultimate way to create a holistic approach to software delivery. In this session, we'll show how to stop thinking about Kubernetes clusters, and start thinking about Environments and how changes can be easily promoted, validated, and tracked across every deployment target with deployment policies to make sure everything is done correctly.

All Things CI/CD (Codefresh 101 webinar series)

Part 1 of our three part Codefresh 101 webinar series. In this session, Dan Garfield and Laurent Rochette walked through using Codefresh to create pipelines to build, test, and push changes to your code. This includes using shared pipelines to create a single pipeline that can handle many applications and Git repositories, caching, debugging with breakpoints and lots more!

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Deletion and Argo CD Finalizers but Were Afraid to Ask

Accidentally deleting an application is bad, but accidentally deleting all of them is a lot worse. In this post, I show you how to avoid issues like the following: Argo CD finalizers is a built-in Argo CD feature that confuses many new users and can even result in accidental deletion if you’re not careful. If you see a resource managed by Argo CD that was supposed to be deleted but isn’t, then you can almost certainly blame a finalizer.

GitOps Secrets with Argo CD, Hashicorp Vault and the External Secret Operator

Teams adopting GitOps often ask how to use secrets with Argo CD. The official Argo CD page about secrets is unopinionated by design and simply lists a set of projects that can help you with secrets. We’ve seen several approaches to secret management. These include sealed secrets, the Argo CD Vault plugin, and the External Secret Operator. In this post, we showcase the External Secret Operator and Hashicorp Vault and focus on 2 important aspects.