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Key Challenges in Financial Services Recruitment and How to Overcome Them

Recruiting top-notch talent in the financial services industry is no walk in the park. It's like trying to find a unicorn with a knack for number crunching and a passion for risk management. Organizations in this industry face a set of unique hurdles during the recruitment process that can make even the most seasoned HR professionals break out in a sweat. But fear not! In this article, we'll shine a light on the key challenges that financial services recruitment organizations encounter when searching for the perfect candidates and, most importantly, how to overcome them.

The Benefits Of Using A Pay Stub Maker For Freelancers And Independent Contractors

In an era where freelancing and independent contracting is at its peak, the way we manage our finances has become more critical than ever. From invoices to tax documentation, freelancers have to handle everything themselves, unlike traditional employees whose companies take care of such paperwork. One area that can often be overlooked by freelancers, yet holds great importance, is maintaining pay stubs. You might wonder, 'why would a freelancer need a pay stub?' The answer lies in the multiple benefits it offers.

Investing in the Era of Technology: Adapting to a Changing Landscape

Financial investment is crucial to securing our future and maximizing our earnings. However, the ever-changing technological and investment concepts landscape can often overwhelm the process and lead to poor decision-making. Fortunately, this concise guide aims to simplify the complexities of investing in the era of technology. By breaking down the key trends and providing essential insights, this article will empower you to adapt to the changing investment landscape with confidence and enjoy passive income.

The Hidden Costs of Production Downtime in the Financial Industry

As financial apps continuously evolve towards more distributed architectures, highlight competitive landscape, and more digital users across so many different platforms, the cost of failure as well as the ability to quickly and efficiently troubleshoot end-user issues is becoming key for these organizations success. In addition, many of these financial organizations are still required to support a mix of legacy and cloud-native applications.

How Financial Institutions Benefit from Automated Employee Offboarding

Thanks to the economic downturn and rising interest rates, leading financial industry stalwarts such as Accenture, BlackRock, BNY Mellon, Goldman Sachs, and PayPal have already laid off hundreds or thousands of employees. And these are just the big names; banks, credit unions, insurers, and private equity firms of all sizes worldwide are carefully reviewing their headcount and trimming their workforce in order to stay competitive.

How DevOps is shaping Financial Services #4: The rise of cybersecurity

In this series of blog posts, we speak with database professionals from financial services organizations around the world to better understand how DevOps is shaping the sector. On the way, we dig into key current factors including the rise of technology upstarts in fintech and insurtech, the speed of digital transformation, and the ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks.

Why Automating IT Incident Response Matters for Financial Institutions

Last month, the Singapore bank DBS experienced a 10-hour outage of its digital services. Not only was it massively disruptive to customers, but it caused the bank’s stock to lose 1.4% of its value in a single day. And it’s not the first time DBS has had to deal with the fallout of an IT snafu; in November 2021, Singapore’s finance regulatory body imposed significant additional capital requirements on the bank after its digital banking services were disrupted for two days.

How Banks Can Improve Customer Experience by Digitizing Customer Communications

The definition of customer experience (CX) in banking is simple. According to this definition, customer satisfaction via CX is achieved when a bank puts all its resources and employees to work with the end objective of tending to the customers' needs. That means the bank, in whatever way possible, will tend to customer concerns, and will ensure necessary customer interactions to provide them the best possible service, and the one key component that can ensure all this is proper customer communication.

How DevOps is shaping Financial Services #3: The impact of technical debt

In this series of blog posts, we speak with database professionals from Financial Services organizations around the world to better understand how DevOps is shaping the sector. On the way, we dig into key current factors including the rise of technology upstarts in fintech and insurtech, the speed of digital transformation and the ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks.

Top 10 AIOps & Observability Capabilities for the Banking and Finance Sector

Maintaining trust in the business services your customers rely on is everything. With ever-increasing customer expectations and the promise of ‘always-on’ services, poor digital experiences and outages can cause significant harm to your business. The Interlink Software AIOps and Observability platform strengthens IT teams’ capability to deliver more reliable, available digital services and reduce the risk of customer impacting disruption.