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The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): A Brief Introduction

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), a subset of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, comprises inter-networked devices and applications used in medical and healthcare information technology applications. IoMT devices connect patients, doctors and medical devices — including hospital equipment, diagnostic gear, and wearable technology — by transmitting information over a secure network.

Distributed Tracing: Your Ultimate Guide

When all your IT systems, your apps and software, and your people are spread out, you need a way to see what’s happening in all these minute and separate interactions. That’s exactly what distributed tracing does. Distributed tracing is a way to tracking requests in applications and how those requests move from users and frontend devices through to backend services and databases.

Improvements to DSDL Container Build Process

We’re happy to announce that with the upcoming release of Splunk App for Data Science and Deep Learning (DSDL) 5.1.1 we’re significantly overhauling the build process for containers in DSDL. More and more customers are adopting DSDL for some of their most complex and advanced workloads. In this newest release, we’re making the process of deploying, building and maintaining containers for DSDL more modular, more secure, more robust, and more scalable as well as adding some new features!

The Importance of Microservices

What are microservices? Microservices are a software approach that creates applications as a loose coupling of specific services or functions, rather than as a single, “monolithic” program. A microservice architecture increases the speed and reliability with which large, complex applications are delivered. What makes a service a microservice? Microservices are defined not by how they’re coded, but by how they fit into a broader system or solution.

How to Use Tags to Speed Up Troubleshooting

Maybe as a kid, you pretended to have a magic wand. You would say something like, “Show me the answer to this long division question” then wave your magic wand and wait for the answer. Sadly, mine never seemed to work – for math questions or to make magical snacks appear. Now, imagine if you had a magic wand for your application stack where you could ask it a question about your data and it would give you immediate insights.

Observability Shifts Right

Observability first emerged as a focal point of interest in the DevOps community in the 2017 time frame. Aware that business was demanding highly adaptable digital environments, DevOps professionals realised that high adaptability required a new approach to IT architecture. Whereas historically, digital stacks were monolithic or, at best, coarsely grained, the new stacks would have to be highly modular, dynamic, ephemeral at the component level, and spread over multiple cloud-based services.

How to Quickly Find What's Broken in Your Complex, Cloud Environment

With the rapid adoption of cloud, distributed systems and microservices are standard, resulting in increasingly complex environments. Once straightforward troubleshooting workflows have become chaotic, frustrating, and time-consuming. When something breaks, multiple teams are called to the table to prove they’re “not it”; each with their singular view of the problem.

Value Stream Management: A Brief Explainer

Simply put, value stream management (VSM) is the practice of measuring and improving the flow of business value created by an organization’s software delivery efforts.By monitoring the software delivery life cycle end-to-end, organizations can better identify processes that add value and eliminate those that create waste to optimize the flow of work. Ultimately, this enables teams to move away from activities that don’t directly contribute to customer value and focus more on those that do.