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Data Warehouse vs Database: Comparing Common Data Storage

Knowing the differences between data warehouses and databases can clear up a lot of confusion for many people, especially with the volume of data we have these days. In this blog post, I'll discuss the differences between these two types of data systems. I'll also provide some examples to help illustrate the points we make. Let's get started! (This article was written by Austin Chia.)

Data can help Europe navigate through turbulent times

One of the reasons I joined Splunk six months ago was because I am convinced that data has the potential to solve some of the biggest challenges society faces. It’s safe to say that Europe faces a number of challenges at the moment. The legacy of Covid-19 and the geo-political situation in the region has had a significant impact both economically and on society as a whole. Climate change remains a major concern after a year marked by drought and extreme temperatures.

RedHat OpenShift monitoring with Splunk's OpenTelemetry Operator

Do you have an instant view of all the full-stack automated operations in your OpenShift environment. Would you like to monitor your self-service provisioning as code, to better understand health and performance? Have you been struggling to resolve service issues and reduce the time taken for troubleshooting across all your Kubernetes deployment? We’ve got you covered!

What Is Splunk & What Does It Do? An Introduction To Splunk

Hi! We’re Splunk, and we’re glad you’re visiting us today. Honestly, we hear from people far and wide about “What does Splunk do?”, “Does the name Splunk mean something?” And of course, “How can I learn Splunk?” I wrote this article to help answer all these questions for you and point you towards whatever question you want answered.

Dashboard Design: Visualization Choices and Configurations

There are many visualization types and configurations available to choose from. In general, keep your visualizations as simple and straightforward as possible to avoid distraction and highlight only the most important information. If there is too much unnecessary information on the page it can be overwhelming and focus can be misdirected to unimportant details.

5 Reasons Why OpenTelemetry is the Future of Observability

It has been said that open source is eating the world and in the observability space, the project behind this movement is OpenTelemetry. The project is quickly becoming the standard for instrumentation and collection of observability data. Why is an open standard and open-source approach to instrumentation and data collection so compelling? This talk will provide five reasons why OpenTelemetry is disrupting the observability market.

Data Quality Explained: Why Quality Is Critical to Using Your Data

Much like wine (😉), having data doesn’t mean you have quality data. Today it's easier than ever to get data on almost anything. But that doesn’t mean that data is inherently good data, let alone information or knowledge that you can use. In many cases, bad data can be worse than no data, and it can easily lead to false conclusions. So, how do you know that your data is reliable and productive? This is what we call data quality.

RedHat OpenShift monitoring with Splunk's OpenTelemetry Operator

Do you have an instant view of all the full-stack automated operations in your OpenShift environment. Would you like to monitor your self-service provisioning as code, to better understand health and performance? Have you been struggling to resolve service issues and reduce the time taken for troubleshooting across all your Kubernetes deployment? We’ve got you covered!

Ensure your Kubernetes workloads are achieving their full potential with Splunk Observability

Kubernetes provides a strong foundation for delivering containerized services. While these capabilities can extend your application’s potential, the platform also introduces new dynamics not present in traditional host-based services. See first hand how Splunk’s Observability platform provides infrastructure monitoring views, to ensure the pods and containers delivering your workloads are continuously monitored and well understood.