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Introducing Automatic UI Updates

Automatic UI Updates (AUIU) is a new cloud service that allows admins to get the most up-to-date UI experience between Splunk Cloud upgrades. Cloud admins gain early access to newly enhanced self-service tools through the AUIU opt-in service. Specified AUIU enhanced pages and tooling can now be delivered to customers up to three months faster. AUIU is a delivery service that allows for new UI pages and UI improvements to be integrated into Splunk Cloud deployments for specific enhanced admin pages.

How We Built It: Getting Spooky with Splunk Dashboards

Dashboards are not just tools for businesses and other organizations to monitor and respond to their data, but can be a method of storytelling. All of our data has the potential to be crafted into compelling narratives, which can easily be accomplished with the help of Dashboard Studio’s customizable formats and advanced visualization tools. We can take a series of disparate datasets and bring them together in one place if they share a common theme — in this case, Halloween.

How DevOps Monitoring Works: Concepts, Types & Best Practices

DevOps is an IT delivery concept that combines people, practices and tools with the shared goal of accelerating the development of applications and services. Adopting DevOps at enterprise level typically requires: The continuous development of DevOps practices, as well as other factors like the rapid pace of modern code changes, facilitates a need for DevOps monitoring: a set of tools and processes to support the entire software development lifecycle.

Introducing Splunk App for Chargeback

The Splunk App for Chargeback provides the ability to analyze and manage how internal business units, departments, and individuals are consuming Splunk resources. The three main features of the App are: The Splunk App for Chargeback allows you to manage, monitor, and forecast resource utilization in your shared Splunk environment. You can use Splunk App for Chargeback to focus on any business unit, department, or an individual user.

Don't Know What to Monitor? L.E.T.S. Start with 4 Metrics!

Software monitoring, how does it work? “We paid for a bunch of tools but we don’t know what we should be looking at. There are tons of charts that don’t seem to mean anything!” If you talk to people about software monitoring you’ve inevitably heard something similar to this. With so many possible metrics it can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Even with curated dashboards there is inherent confusion about what is important.

Data Pipelines: How Data Pipelines Work & How To Get Started

Every millisecond, humans generate significant volumes of data, from various IoT devices such as our wearable devices to daily activities such as internet surfing and tracking our workouts. Data continues to accumulate. Statista estimates that by 2025, the amount of data will have increased to 180 zettabytes. That's far too much information.

A Deeper Dive into Machine Learning at Splunk

A typical bit of feedback I have had during my time at Splunk is that the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) looks nice and all, but how are we supposed to get started using it? Choosing the right technique, let alone the right algorithm can be a daunting task for those who are unfamiliar with machine learning (ML). We’ve been thinking long and hard about how we can help offer more prescriptive introductions into using ML at Splunk and I’m pleased to present our set of MLTK deep dives.