Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Scale for fully automated Kubernetes monitoring in minutes

Monitoring your Kubernetes clusters within Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring has never been easier. Just click data setup and select Kubernetes to begin learning more about your Kubernetes environment and workloads. Test drive your free trial of Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring today to seamlessly get your data in to navigate effortlessly and pinpoint problems in real time.

The Path to Innovation for Public Sector Is Through Data

It’s never been more important for government agencies to embrace innovation than over the past 18 months. Citizens are relying on our government more than ever to provide critical services during the global pandemic — from developing COVID-19 vaccines at warp speed to extending benefits to the record number of unemployed Americans. The pandemic not only made government services more critical, it also challenged agencies’ ability to deliver those services.

What Is Distributed Tracing and Why You Need It

It is no surprise that monitoring workloads are top of mind for many organizations to ensure a successful customer experience. As our applications become more distributed and cloud-native, we find that monitoring can become more complex. A single user transaction fans out to interact with tens or hundreds of microservices, each one requesting data from backend data stores or otherwise interacting with each other and other parts of your infrastructure.

Workload Pricing and SVCs: What You Can See and Control

The Cloud Monitoring Console (CMC) lets Splunk Cloud Platform administrators view information about the status of a Splunk Cloud Platform deployment. For workload pricing, the CMC lets you monitor usage and stay within your subscription entitlement. From the CMC you can see both ingest and SVC usage information and can gain insight into how your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment is performing.

What is Splunk Virtual Compute (SVC)?

A Splunk Virtual Compute (SVC) unit is a powerful component of our workload pricing model. Historically, we priced purely on the amount of data sent into Splunk, leading some customers to limit data ingestion to avoid expense related to high volumes of data with low requirements on reporting. With Splunk workload pricing, you now have ultimate flexibility and control over your data and cost.

Product Explainer Video Short: Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring for Real-time Cloud Monitoring

Wherever you are in your cloud journey and whatever your environment looks like, Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring is a purpose-built metrics platform to address real-time cloud monitoring requirements at scale. Get real-time observability for data from any cloud, any vendor, and any service.

Top Devops Tools: 10 Essential Tools for Actual Practitioners

Nowadays, the efficiency of a company’s IT infrastructure is commonly measured in how often it can deploy new versions of the software. Faster, better deployments are one of the main goals of the DevOps mindset. Therefore, to not fall behind the competition, one needs to implement DevOps practices. But DevOps isn’t just about deploying fast and often. DevOps is a set of practices and tools that help deliver better-quality software faster. The “quality” is the key here.