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The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.

Postman Load Test Tutorial

Postman is highly popular in the testing tools space for verifying API requests. While its use for general API testing is widely adopted, conducting load testing with Postman is not as straightforward. In this post, we assume that you have some experience working with Postman and are familiar with the fundamentals of creating and sending requests. If you’re new to Postman, there are numerous resources available in the Postman Learning Center.

Five Playwright CLI features you should know

Thanks to Microsoft's Playwright, running end-to-end tests with real browsers is quickly done. Initialize a new Playwright project, install all the dependencies, and off you go! Then, any new headless browser test run is only one npx playwright test away. But have you checked all the test command's CLI options? playwright test includes a few real gems to help you create better tests faster. Let me share a mixed bag of my favorite CLI tricks in this post.

How to Mock HTTP APIs With MockServer| Speedscale

As the name suggests, MockServer is a powerful tool that allows developers to mock HTTP APIs, making it much easier and more efficient to run an integration test in initial development phases. It aims to solve the problem of testing APIs that are still in development or not yet available, allowing developers to make http calls on an http client without a real server.

6 Golang Testing Frameworks for Every Type of Test

What do good tests look like, and do you even need a Golang testing framework? It’s a loaded question with an open answer. Not only do tests help ensure that your code will work as intended, but good tests can also serve as documentation for your codebase, making it easier to update and maintain in the future, while accelerating and streamlining your software development process. In this article, we outline 6 Golang testing frameworks for every type of test.

Testing Golang with httptest

Go, often referred to as Golang, is a popular programming language built by Google. Its design and structure help you write efficient, reliable, and high-performing programs. Often used for web servers and rest APIs, Go offers the same performance as other low-level languages like C++ while also making sure the language itself is easy to understand with a good development experience.

How to Get Started with GoMock

GoMock is a powerful tool for generating mock objects in Go, making it an essential asset for developers aiming to write advanced unit tests. By simulating the behavior of real objects, GoMock allows you to test your code in isolation, ensuring that each component functions correctly on its own. This capability is particularly useful in a language like Go, where interfaces play a crucial role in defining the behavior of different components.

How to parameterize Playwright projects

In a previously released YouTube video, I explained how and why Playwright fixtures perfectly match with page object models. Combining the two allows you to hide setup instructions and keep your tests clean. Page object models no longer have to be initialized in every test case. To be upfront — I'm a fixture fanboy! But what if you need to pass additional configuration to your page object models? When options are hidden in a fixture, you can't configure how a class is initialized, right? Wrong!