How good is GitHub Copilot at generating Playwright code?

How good is GitHub Copilot at generating Playwright code?

Dec 16, 2024

Join Stefan Judis as he explores GitHub Copilot for Playwright scripting and end-to-end test generation! Will Copilot and its new custom instructions beat Playwright Codegen in terms of code quality and generation time? Let's find out!

Checkly Synthetic Monitoring:
GitHub Copilot:

Let's find out in this video!

0:00 Intro

0:32 Look back at using ChatGPT for Playwright code generation

1:34 Use Copilot Chat for automated Playwright scripting

2:36 Add file references to Copilot Chat

4:08 Add custom Copilot instructions (preview feature)

7:30 Use AI code generation for more complex examples

12:07 Conclusion

#playwright #checkly #syntheticmonitoring #githubcopilot