New in Grafana Loki 2.4: The Simple Scalable Deployment Mode

New in Grafana Loki 2.4: The Simple Scalable Deployment Mode

Dec 21, 2021

New in Grafana Loki 2.4: The Simple Scalable Deployment Mode

This mode is a bridge between running Loki as a single binary/monolithic mode and full-blown microservices. The idea is to give users more flexibility in scaling and provide the advantages of separating the read and write path in Loki.

Official docs:

Docker-compose and Loki configuration file as used in the video:

Command to run the flog log generator:

docker run -it --rm mingrammer/flog -l -n 1 -d 1ms | docker run --net=host -i grafana/promtail:latest -server.grpc-listen-port 9091 --stdin --inspect --client.url http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push -client.tenant-id tenant1

Start correlating your data with Grafana Cloud and the new FREE tier. Includes 10K series Prometheus or Graphite Metrics and 50GB Loki Logs!

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