k8s-monitoring Helm chart Office Hours 2024-12-19

k8s-monitoring Helm chart Office Hours 2024-12-19

Dec 19, 2024

In this session of the Kubernetes Monitoring Helm chart office hours, we discuss the upcoming version 2.0, the latest changes and the timeline for release. We also cover two potential changes and open things up for feedback on them. Finally, we end with Q&A.


0:00 Intro & Agenda

0:40 V2 Update

5:19 Directory Structure Change

10:43 Integration Labeling Change

26:40 Q&A Start

26:59 Tail Sampling Chart?

28:48 Wrap up

Learn more about Kubernetes Monitoring Helm chart: https://github.com/grafana/k8s-monitoring-helm
Check out previous office hours:

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