Webinar: Understanding Serverless Observability with AWS and Lumigo

Webinar: Understanding Serverless Observability with AWS and Lumigo

Mar 16, 2021

Serverless experts from AWS and Lumigo go over how to add monitoring, logging, and distributed tracing to your serverless applications.

Learn how to track serverless health metrics by getting visibility and alerts on specific serverless issues. Then troubleshoot using visual serverless maps, correlated AWS services, and logs to understand what service requires attention to keep high levels of application reliability.


James Beswick - AWS
James Beswick is a Senior Developer Advocate for the AWS Serverless Team. He works with AWS's developer customers to understand how serverless technologies can drastically change the way they think about building and running applications at a massive scale with minimal administration overhead. James was previously a Software Developer and Product Manager and has used the AWS Cloud since 2013.

Julian Wood - AWS
Julian Wood is a Senior Developer Advocate for the AWS Serverless Team. He loves helping developers and builders learn about and love how serverless technologies can transform how they build and run applications at any scale. Julian was an infrastructure architect and manager in global enterprises and start-ups for more than 25 years before going all-in on serverless at AWS.

Erez Berkner - Lumigo
Erez, developer by heart, and is the CEO & co-founder of Lumigo a serverless observability platform. Lumigo is a modern SaaS platform built with a serverless mindset from the ground up.