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August 2019

Serverless Summer School (SSS) Week Four: Intro to SES with Serverless

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a cloud-based email sending service designed to help digital marketers and application developers send marketing, notification, and transactional emails. This introductory course will teach you the basics of setting up a serverless SES while sharpening the skills you learned in the Wild Rydes workshop.

The Quest to Eradicate Lingering VPCs

Cost is a big reason many dev teams are transitioning to serverless. However, there are still some ways costs can creep up on you in serverless apps. The biggest culprit I’ve found in my own experience is the VPC resource. Because adding a VPC to a serverless stack is ridiculously easy in Stackery, I’ve sometimes gotten carried away. I’d deploy a stack with a VPC for testing, then quickly forget about it.

Serverless Summer School (SSS) Week 2: Implementing the Wild Rydes Front-End

The first part of the comprehensive Wild Rydes simple serverless application workshop. This session also covers common topics for building serverless applications like secrets management and user authentication, authorization, and management. Hosts: Chase Douglas (CTO @ Stackery), AM Grobelny (Startup Partner Solutions Architect @ AWS), and Eric Johnson (Sr. Developer Advocate @ AWS).

Serverless Summer School (SSS) Week Three: Building the Wild Rydes Back-End

The second part of the comprehensive Wild Rydes simple serverless application workshop. This session covers common topics for building serverless applications like secrets management and user authentication, authorization, and management. Hosts: Chase Douglas (CTO @ Stackery), AM Grobelny (Startup Partner Solutions Architect @ AWS), & Eric Johnson (Sr. Developer Advocate @ AWS).

Serverless Summer School (SSS) Week 1: Local Debugging Workshop

Stackery's CTO, Chase Douglas, AWS Startup Partner Solutions Architect AM Grobelny, and AWS Senior Developer Advocate Eric Johnson kick off the Serverless Summer School series with a local debugging workshop. The gang will address the frustrations of developers attempting to locally debug Lambda functions and reviewing tools like the AWS SAM CLI and the Stackery CLI to proposing a language-independent workflow that doesn't require hours of research to set up. Follow along through the example of setting up a simple serverless application.

Software Engineers: Confidence Matters Just as Much as Ability

Software engineering is a skilled task; those who obtain the experience and credentials necessary to become engineers know this, as do their employers. Engineers have an overarching goal of using these skills to construct experiences that enable end-users to complete a task successfully and they hope to provide enjoyment and comfort along the way. Anyone who has written software used by a decent number of people knows how daunting this task is.

Stackery Professional Serverless Tooling Now Available on the AWS Marketplace

Stackery is now available on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace! This is great news for development teams excited by the prospect of building and modernizing applications using AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Kinesis, API Gateway, Fargate, and the rest of the growing menu of serverless capabilities. AWS teams can start their serverless journeys with prescriptive and flexible tooling that extends AWS tools and services with less friction in the purchasing process.

Major in Serverless Confidence at Serverless Summer School!

Have you been attending Stackery’s Serverless Summer School? As a non-engineer, I’ll admit, I was a little nervous. Was it going to be over my head? Would I spend the entire Twitch stream furiously writing down all the terms I didn’t know so that I could ask about them later? Would my brain need some debugging after trying to download a bunch of information that I didn’t really get?