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Incidents are lessons, not failures

Delivering digital operations excellence - DevOps, incident management, and keeping organisations running - is a constant challenge. As customer digital expectations rise, so do the complexities of the tech stack and cloud services integrations. But to insist on 100% uptime and rush through incident management without taking learnings into account creates a poor culture that can damage the ability of the DevOps team. This is not how a business creates resilient infrastructure and high-performing teams.

Maximizing Efficiency: How Managed IT Services Can Help Your Company

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven business environment, maximizing efficiency is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Companies across various industries are increasingly turning to managed IT services to streamline their operations and ensure they stay ahead of the curve. Managed IT services offer a comprehensive solution to managing a company's IT infrastructure, providing support, maintenance, and strategic planning that can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency. This article explores the various ways managed IT services can benefit your company, from reducing downtime to improving cybersecurity and enabling better resource allocation.
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What's new in Avantra 24.2

It's my pleasure to announce the release of Avantra 24.2. The second update of Avantra 24, building upon 24.1 which brought performance and customer requested bug fixes, 24.2 brings new innovations and enhancements to our Avantra platform. With over 300 changes in our development management system, Avantra 24.2 feels like a major release to us and we have something new everywhere you look. Let's dive deeper into the new features.

Why Your Telemetry(Observability) Pipelines Need to be Responsive

At Mezmo, we consider Understand, Optimize, and Respond, the three tenets that help control telemetry data and maximize the value derived from it. We have previously discussed data Understanding and Optimization in depth. This blog discusses the need for responsive pipelines and what it takes to design them.

Kubernetes 1.31 - What's new?

Kubernetes 1.31 brings a plethora of enhancements, including 37 line items tracked as ‘Graduating’ in this release. From these, 11 enhancements are graduating to stable, including the highly anticipated AppArmor support for Kubernetes, which includes the ability to specify an AppArmor profile for a container or pod in the API, and have that profile applied by the container runtime.

How Network Observability Helps Lay the Foundation of Autonomous IT Operations

We often hear the term "observability" in the context of DevOps and how SREs use telemetry data. Collecting and analyzing this telemetry data is a vital first step to a successful autonomous IT operations strategy. Observability can help you find out about problems in your system you didn’t know you had—and before your users are impacted—by giving you new visibility that your monitoring systems don’t provide. But any observability initiative must also include network observability.

Enhancing Git Management in Python Projects

Git is an essential tool for version control, whether you are a developer or an IT pro. Git allows engineers to track changes, collaborate, and manage their code effectively. However, for beginners, navigating Git can be daunting. Enter GitLens, a powerful Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension designed to enhance Git capabilities and simplify Git management.

Leveraging AI for Efficient On-call Scheduling

Regardless of industry specifications, creating and maintaining a highly functional incident management process is crucial for organizations of all sizes. The various potential applications of Generative AI in this process can significantly enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and speed of incident detection, analysis, and resolution. GenAI can be utilized across all stages of the incident management process, including preparation, response, communication, and learning.

Monitor Your ZFS Volume Manager With Telegraf

ZFS (Zettabyte File System) is a file system and volume manager that has robust data integrity features and uses checksums for every block of data, ensuring that any data corruption is detected and corrected. Additionally, it offers advanced features such as pooled storage, efficient snapshots and cloning, built-in data compression, deduplication, and high scalability, making it ideal for large-scale and high-performance storage environments.

How our data team handles incidents

Historically, data teams have not been closely involved in the incident management process (at least, not in the traditional “get woken up at 2AM by a SEV0” sense). But with a growing involvement of data (and therefore data teams) in core business processes, decision making, and user-facing products, data-related incidents are increasingly common, and more important than ever.