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December 2023

Github Actions 101: your 1st action l SymfonyCon Brussels 2023

We all know we should be doing more automation of our software development lifecycle, but getting started can be challenging. Even if you have experience in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) automation, learning a specific platform’s terminology and idiosyncrasies can be frustrating.

Regex: demystifying the hieroglyphics l SymfonyCon Brussels 2023

While regular expressions can certainly look like hieroglyphics, once you understand the basics, you can unlock massive amounts of power in your searches and work. You're working with some data and find yourself needing to find a specific piece of information, but your searches keep matching things that you don’t want. While basic searches are fine for some things, every once in a while you need something more powerful.

We can't wait for SBOMs to be demanded by regulation

Old ads can be startling—cigarette ads used to boast their health-giving properties, sugar-laden candy was once advertised as a dietary aid, and soft drinks were advertised as a milk alternative for babies. None of this would fly today, of course, thanks to regulations. Foods must be advertised more responsibly, and they must list their ingredients clearly on the packaging, especially allergens.

A festive treat: PHP 8.3 is already available on Platform.sh

Just like the feeling you get when you hear the first notes of Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You" signaling the arrival of the festive season, PHP developers can also rejoice in the release of a special gift this month—PHP 8.3. As many of you may already know, a few days ago PHP 8.3 was released and after some testing, it’s now ready to use on all Platform.sh projects.