Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

June 2023

Getting Your Logs In Order: A Guide to Normalizing with Graylog

If you work with large amounts of log data, you know how challenging it can be to analyze that data and extract meaningful insights. One way to make log analysis easier is to normalize your log messages. In this post, we’ll explain why log message normalization is important and how to do it in Graylog.

Case Study: Building an Operations Dashboard

Picture a simple E-commerce platform with the following components, each generating logs and metrics. Imagine now the on-call Engineer responsible for this platform, feet up on a Sunday morning watching The Lord of The Rings with a coffee, when suddenly the on-call phone starts to ring! Oh no! It’s a customer phoning, and they report that sometimes, maybe a tenth of the time, the web front end is returning a generic error as they try to complete a workflow.