Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

February 2024

Graylog Parsing Rules and AI Oh My!

In the log aggregation game, the biggest difficulty you face can be setting up parsing rules for your logs. To qualify this statement: simply getting log files into Graylog is easy. Graylog also has out-of-the-box parsing of a wide variety of common log sources, so if your logs fall into one of the many categories of log for which there is either a dedicated Input; a dedicated Illuminate component; or that uses a defined Syslog format; then yes, parsing logs is also easy.

What You Need to Know About ITIL for Service Management

As the person on the front lines, you know that providing the best service possible can be what makes your ITSM organization succeed. Every day, you work to build the relationships that help your organization create value for end-users. However, when you have inefficient processes, you end up having to be the person responding to an upset user.