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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

How Businesses Can Gain Commercial Value from Kubernetes Deployments

Our very own regional director of Northern EMEA, Jeroen Overmaat, recently joined our partner, Magic Sandbox BV (MSB), for the inaugural episode of Magic Devcast, their new technology podcast. Magic Devcast brings together technology industry personalities and influencers from around the world to discuss how they tackle the ever-changing landscape, how to approach remote work, learning and much more.

KMC - Hands On with K3s Support in Rancher 2.4 - 2020-06-16

K3s, the lightweight- certified Kubernetes distribution created by Rancher Labs, has become a popular choise for IoT and edge computing. But Rancher users have been asking for tighter integration between Rancher Server and K3s. With Rancher 2.4, new Rancher HA installations can be installed on K3s clusters with external SQL databases. This setup simplifies cluster administration with no need to operate etcd. Management of the database can be offloaded to hosted solutions like RDS running MySQL. In this Kubernetes Master Class, Rancher Software Engineers will discuss and demo the new K3s support in Rancher, review use cases and best practices.

Longhorn Launch Webinar - ANZS - 2020-06-16

This is the recording of the virtual launch event for the GA launch of the CNCF project Longhorn. When combined with Rancher, Longhorn provides DevOps teams with a lightweight, reliable cloud-native management and storage orchestration platform for any Kubernetes environment. Originally created by Rancher as an open source project in 2017, Longhorn was donated to the CNCF in 2019 as a sandbox project. On May 28, Longhorn will reach ‘General Availability’ status, providing the cloud-native ecosystem with lightweight and reliable persistent storage solution for Kubernetes.

New command line client, back to Go!

It feels like a lifetime ago, well, 3 years is a lifetime in tech, that I wrote a blog post explaining how we rewrote our API server from Golang to Ruby on Rails. Here we are and I'm about to explain about how we've been back and forth doing the same thing for our CLI. Just after that time, I wrote the first version of our CLI utility in Golang. However, with only me knowing Golang on the team, we weren't able to achieve the velocity and pace of adding features within the CLI as I'd like.

Announcing Codefresh Runner: a foolproof, easy way to run pipelines on your own Kubernetes clusters.

Running and maintaining CI/CD infrastructure has long been a headache for engineering teams which has led to the popularity of SAAS solutions like Codefresh cloud. But for many, this doesn’t meet their strict security requirements or allow them to access on-prem code, artifacts, or other resources.

Building Machine Learning Pipelines with Kubeflow

In part one of this series, I introduced you to Kubeflow, a machine learning platform for teams that need to build machine learning pipelines. In this section, we will learn how to take an existing machine learning project and turn it into a Kubeflow machine learning pipeline, which in turn can be deployed onto Kubernetes. As you are going through this exercise, think about how you can convert your existing machine learning projects into a Kubeflow one.

Enabling multicloud K8s communication with Skupper

There are many challenges that engineering teams face when attempting to incorporate a multi-cloud approach into their infrastructure goals. Kubernetes does a good job of addressing some of these issues, but managing the communication of clusters that span multiple cloud providers in multiple regions can become a daunting task for teams. Often this requires complex VPNs and special firewall rules to multi-cloud cluster communication.