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Thwart password spray attacks to secure employee access to cloud apps

Chances are you’ve heard of traditional credential-based attacks on Active Directory (AD) and cloud applications—brute force attacks, dictionary attacks, and keylogging, to name a few. There’s now another attack type you should familiarize yourself with: password spray attacks. In this blog, we’ll analyze why you should be wary of them and the best way to tackle them.

Cybersecurity Best Practices: Protect Your Team from Phishing Attacks

Phishing happens. It is probably happening as you read this. Right now, some well-defended company is having data under its care exposed. This data may contain sensitive information, such as login credentials, and in many cases, it is only known that an attack of this type has taken place after the fact. Protecting yourself and your employer against phishing attacks relies foremost on critical thinking; however, there are some business processes and technologies that can help.

Types of DNS Attacks and How Application Monitoring Can Help

DNS, the Domain Name Service, is the Internet service that translates IP addresses into hostnames, and visa versa. It enables you to type www.exoprise.com in a browser, or send an email to someone at that domain, and have your request actually go to As a vital part of the Internet infrastructure, DNS attacks can have a serious impact on your online operations, including access to your website and email.

The relationship between steganography and cyberattacks

There’s no denying the importance of communication. Businesses cannot function without the proper means of communication, such as phone calls, faxes, emails, text messages, and more. However, not all forms of communication are secure, meaning the information transferred by them doesn’t always stay confidential. This is where steganography comes into play.

Advanced Mitigation Techniques to Stop DDoS Attacks in Their Tracks

In our last blog post, we learned what the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is, and examined the DDoS picture globally. As we walked through some recent and well-known cases, we also surveyed a range of attack types and drilled down to specific examples. In this article, we’ll study the mitigation techniques you’ll need to resist these attacks. You’ll learn: 1. How to avoid becoming a bot; 2. How to prepare your own network for the possibility of an attack and finally; 3.

What Is a DDoS Attack?

Imagine the following scenario: you’re running a small corporate website, and suddenly, your service becomes unreachable, throwing a 503 (service unavailable) http error at your customers and website visitors. The irritated messages start flooding in to support. Worried, you walk through the usual administrative checks, to make sure it’s not what you think it is. Is the webhost up?

The Top 6 Cyber Threats that Keep Businesses up at Night

Few things put more fear into the hearts of IT departments than the thought of a massive cyber attack — and for good reason. In 2017, the average cost of security breaches for U.S. organizations was estimated at $3.5 million. But it’s not all about the money. In addition to the financial burden caused by cyber attacks, the loss of client trust and credibility post-breach can be extremely difficult to bounce back from.