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Martello iQ and Azure Monitor, How Do the Two Products Compare?

Microsoft Monitoring health and usage information is a critical maintenance task for any site or application, whether it’s running in your on-premises datacenter, hybrid or public cloud environment, or hosted environment. Today’s challenge is that enterprises still require end-to-end monitoring insights of their running (and not running) application workloads, while also knowing that they are losing ground on the physical characteristics of managing their own datacenters.

Automate Assessment and Analysis of Apps for Modernization

Thank you for reading my last blog on how to modernize age-old applications using automation. Let’s take a closer look at the available automated tools and explore the insights they extract to speed up app modernization. Assessment and Analysis The automation tool for application assessment should: There are free tools provided by cloud service providers, however, they focus more on infra (VMs and Bare Metal) and don’t focus on applications and databases (aspects mentioned above).

Pandora FMS Cloud and new download website. The top of 2021.

Here at Pandora FMS we love news. If it were up to us we would wear new dresses and stilettos every week, we would open headquarters in an unknown tropical country and we would change styles, to other more daring and exotic, in our cocktail parties. Just to make our love for the avant-garde clear once and for all.

Continuous Optimization in AWS CodePipeline using CloudFormation

For those of you who aren’t familiar with AWS CodePipeline, it’s a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) framework that enables application development teams to deliver code updates more frequently and reliably. You may have also heard it being called a CI/CD or DevOps pipeline. These pipelines have always traditionally been used to deploy the components of a certain application whenever new code in “checked-in”.

How I Manage Credentials in Python Using AWS Secrets Manager

A platform-agnostic way of accessing credentials in Python. Even though AWS enables fine-grained access control via IAM roles, sometimes in our scripts we need to use credentials to external resources, not related to AWS, such as API keys, database credentials, or passwords of any kind. There are a myriad of ways of handling such sensitive data. In this article, I’ll show you an incredibly simple and effective way to manage that using AWS and Python.

AppDynamics the Only Application Performance Monitoring Vendor in the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework

As modern organizations move to the cloud, strategic challenges can have a massive impact on your ultimate success or failure. Learn how the best practices and guidance provided by Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework, alongside the power of AppDynamics, can ensure a successful cloud adoption strategy.

How to Modernize Applications using Automation

Automation and adoption of cloud (public and/or private) are the two key components for the success of Digital Transformation. Automation has been synonymous with the agility and scalability of applications and infrastructure. DevOps ensures quick release of apps all the way from development to test to the stage to production. Cloud ensures quick allocation of resources (Compute, Memory, Storage, Network, etc.) for the applications.

Pandora FMS from Microsoft Azure

In this article we will focus on our on-premise platform, or cloud monitoring after having installed Pandora FMS console in Microsoft Azure. The installation will be made with an automated script that installs the Community version and with a second script, it allows to update Pandora FMS to its Enterprise edition (Corporative), leaving a 30-day test version (Trial).

Should You Build Your Own Cloud Cost Optimization Tool? 3 Questions To Ask Yourself

This is a follow up to a blog series where we explore DIY cloud cost management, monitoring, and optimization tools. In the first, we investigated how Lyft, Netflix, Segment, Expedia, and Slack built theirs. Check it out here. “Build versus buy” is the eternal question for every engineering and DevOps team setting out to solve a technical problem. In the cloud cost monitoring and optimization world, both options can take on many forms.

Cloud Native CI/CD: The Ultimate Checklist

Choosing a software solution means checking the right boxes, and being “cloud native” has bubbled to the top of most lists. But cloud native is a box built of boxes of its own. For a CI/CD solution like JFrog Pipelines, cloud native starts by being “born in the cloud” to natively execute in, build for, test in, and deploy to cloud computing environments. But what boxes does a CI/CD solution really need to tick to complete that larger cloud native box?