There’s an old saying that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” Unfortunately, this doesn’t ring true when it comes to data breaches and ransomware attacks. High profile security incidents continue to make headlines, and those headlines are impacting bottom lines. In response to these, the US federal government is modernizing its own cybersecurity infrastructure, and more state governments are implementing laws to protect citizens.
It has been argued that automation in the workplace tends to be misunderstood. Analysts are keen to point out that, despite myths to the contrary, automation isn't going to put most people out of work, for instance. Nor is AI going to become a real substitute for actual human intelligence. These are compelling arguments for rethinking the way we think about automation in general. But you can take the points further if you analyze the impact of automation on specific domains, such as cybersecurity. Indeed, automation is perhaps nowhere more misunderstood than in the realm of cybersecurity. To prove the point, here are five common myths about automation's impact on security, and why they're wrong.
At Torq, we use gRPC as our one and only synchronous communication protocol. Microservices communicate with each other using gRPC, our external API is exposed via gRPC and our frontend application (written using VueJS) uses the gRPC protocol to communicate with our backend services. One of the main strengths of gRPC is the community and the language support. Given some proto files, you can generate a server and a client for most programming languages.
You may have previously heard about TeamViewer if you’ve ever needed to remotely access another device for the purposes of maintenance or general work activities.
Machine learning has become an important component of many applications we use today. And adding machine learning capabilities to applications is becoming increasingly easy. Many ML libraries and online services don’t even require a thorough knowledge of machine learning. However, even easy-to-use machine learning systems come with their own challenges. Among them is the threat of adversarial attacks, which has become one of the important concerns of ML applications.
Manually managing groups on a large infrastructure can be a tedious task, and is therefore best suited through automation software like CFEngine. Unfortunately - at time of writing - CFEngine does not have any built-in promise types for managing groups. But fear not; in CFEngine 3.17, custom promise types were introduced.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month, now in its 18th year, is an opportunity to highlight the continually escalating conflict that is, for the most part, hidden from the public – unless it becomes media-worthy. Every day, those who are responsible for security (IT staff, threat and security analysts to CISOs) face new challenges. Digital transformation has accelerated at hyperspeed because organizations are focused on adjusting to COVID-19 disruptions.