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Using Audit Logs for Security and Compliance

Most software and systems generate audit logs. They are a means to examine what activities have occurred on the system and are typically used for diagnostic performance and error correction. System Administrators, network engineers, developers, and help desk personnel all use this data to aid them in their jobs and maintain system stability. Audit logs have also taken on new importance for cybersecurity and are often the basis of forensic analysis, security analysis, and criminal prosecution.

PgBouncer monitoring improvements in recent versions

As I wrote in my previous article “USE, RED and real world PgBouncer monitoring” there are some nice commands in PgBouncer’s admin interface that allow to collect stats how things going and spot problems, if you know where to look. This post is about new stats added in these commands in new PgBouncer versions.

Top 10 Azure Cognitive Services

Microsoft’s cloud-based platform Azure has helped many businesses expand and cut back on their costs associated with hosting and storing data on a traditional server. Furthermore, the platform has given developers a chance to create, manage, and deploy powerful applications capable of assisting cloud customers to perform any number of tasks. From handwriting recognition to text sentiment analysis and Bing ad-free image search, Azure’s ML-based services spans many areas.

Monitor Password Protected Websites for Changes

Many of our users come to ChangeTower in search of a website monitoring solution for their password-protected websites. While your browser inherently recognizes you when browsing your sites, website monitoring services are essentially going to be monitoring your webpages in ‘incognito’ mode and often times need to get past a login screen in order to get to the content you’d like to check for changes.