Finding DevOps & Cyber Professionals: A How-to Guide

Finding DevOps & Cyber Professionals: A How-to Guide

It's safe to say that in the past couple of years, DevOps practices have become very high in demand, and a vast majority of companies resort to them whenever they want to optimize different deployment processes and software development in general.

However, in order to do this the right way, businesses need to consider joining forces with DevOps and cyber connoisseurs because they (unlike them) are perfectly familiar with the latest tools and strategies that are necessary to accomplish the abovementioned goals.

If you want to make that happen, then there are several factors that you need to take into account first so you can be one hundred percent sure that you’ve made the right choice. If you are not sure how to recognize a true expert, then just focus on the tips that are about to be mentioned.

They Must Have Excellent Technical Skills

One of the first things that you need to take into consideration when choosing the right professionals for your upcoming projects is their technical and scripting skills. So what does it mean?

It means that these people must be familiar with various programming languages such as Python, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and others. That's at least what you'll get if you consider working with MeteorOps, or any other seasoned DevOps professional. Since they typically deal with codework in these languages, it's recommended to hire someone who mastered them as well.

Aside from being able to code manually, a knowledgeable DevOps expert must know how to supervise and modify numerous manual processes, such as IP addresses and DNS codes. In other words, they must know how to properly configure these processes and how to navigate functional and procedural coding.

Therefore, once you schedule an interview with them, you should check to see how familiar they are with various scripting languages, the tools they are utilizing when it comes to this, and many other things.

The Importance Of Operational And Development Skills

In case you didn't know, the entire DevOps approach encompasses both IT software development and IT operations. It refers to different supporting tools and methods that ensure continuous cooperation between software developers.

Therefore, once you are ready to hire a DevOps professional, it needs to be someone who has lots of experience in terms of collaboration practices, scripting, and coding. Besides that, they need to have a solid knowledge when it comes to:

  1. Virtualization
  2. Scripting
  3. Continuous integration and delivery
  4. Extensive system development
  5. IT-related knowledge

They Need To Be Experienced Too!

If you want to ensure you are truly working with a real professional, then you need to hire someone who has real in-depth knowledge and experience as far as this is concerned. By doing so, you'll have an expert who can provide you with valuable insights that will help you simplify software development, and, at the same time, automate workflows.

By collaborating with a knowledgeable and seasoned DevOps and cyber professional, you’ll be able to speed up the DevOps adoption, uncover and resolve bottlenecks, and, ensure smooth integration of different tools, which will enable you and your business to stand out from the others within the industry you work in.

Then There Are Soft Skills

Aside from having phenomenal technical skills, soft skills are also something that makes a great DevOps expert and distinguish them from the average ones. So what does it mean? It means that they should know how to communicate certain things, especially when they are talking about different beneficial strategies and solutions.

Communication with clients, customers, and members of their team must be impeccable and seamless. Since they’ll be working with others frequently, they must possess a good team spirit too because those who have it will be capable of supplying the full information to all their colleagues, and, at the same time, reduce the risk of any errors along the way.

Another set of soft skills that every DevOps guru must have, is decision-making skills, fantastic listening skills, patience, empathy, and a service-oriented mindset.

They Need To Be Great At Programming

A reliable and professional DevOps connoisseur must be efficient at certain tasks which include the following:

  • They must know how to make big and powerful applications
  • They must be able to write top-quality codes
  • They must be familiar with a variety of different tools, libraries, and frameworks that are employed during the development process
  • They must be capable of overcoming hurdles of any type

There are various traits that make an excellent DevOps and cyber expert, and the ones that were mentioned today are the most important ones and must be taken into consideration during hiring process.