The Impact of AI Content on SEO and Digital Marketing

The Impact of AI Content on SEO and Digital Marketing

Many industries have transformed due to artificial intelligence (AI), and digital marketing is one of them. As AI content generation technologies improve, they are having a major impact on search engine optimization (SEO) and the wider digital marketing sector.

In this article, we will explore how AI content is affecting SEO and digital marketing strategy. Specifically, we will cover:

  • The rise of AI content and its capabilities
  • How AI content impacts SEO
    • Keyword targeting
    • Content quality
    • Link building
  • Using AI for competitor analysis
  • The role of AI in broader digital marketing activities
    • Social media
    • Email marketing
    • Personalization
  • Risks and limitations of relying on AI content
  • Best practices for leveraging AI as a digital marketer

The Rise of AI Content

In the last few years, a variety of startups have developed advanced artificial intelligence systems capable of producing human-like extended content on nearly any subject with minimal prompts. Companies such as OpenAI, Anthropic, Jasper, QuillBot, Smodin, and others are taking the lead in this area. In turn, solutions such as the AI content detector by Smodin detect AI-generated content, so relying solely on your virtual assistant is not always the right decision.

The leading AI writing tools are able to deliver articles, emails, social media posts and other types of content that are coherent, correctly grammatically and fit the tone desired for the target audience. Some of the common capabilities include:

  • Writing original long-form articles from a few sentences of prompts, including research and citations
  • Summarizing long reports or research papers down to key points
  • Rephrasing/simplifying complex text to make it more readable
  • Translating content between languages
  • Answering questions by searching databases and presenting the answer in natural language

In a lot of instances, the quality of what is produced is now on par with that of entry-level human writers. The rapid improvement of the technology is thanks to developments in machine learning.

This has great repercussions for multiple industries, especially digital marketing and SEO.

How AI Impacts SEO

Search engine optimization is all about ranking higher in search engines by creating high-quality, valuable content that answers user intent. As AI streamlines content creation, it is impacting SEO in a few key ways:

Keyword Targeting

Many AI writing tools now have a “keyword” input field where marketers can provide a list of terms and phrases for which the article should optimize.

The AI will subsequently identify synergies among those keywords and the topic of the article, seamlessly merging them throughout the piece. This method saves time when compared to manually optimizing articles and results in a more straightforward integration.

Of course, it is necessary for human oversight to exist in order to properly use keywords for the target audience and to provide value. However, AI greatly simplifies the ability to quickly test different keyword clusters.

Content Quality

High-quality content builds trust and authority with search engines. AI tools can generate very polished, comprehensive articles on almost any topic within seconds.

For example, marketers can instantly create comparison articles, buying guides, long-form FAQs, location pages, and other content types that satisfy user intent for multiple keyword groups.

The key is providing the AI with enough background on the topic and clearly defining the intent and audience. But again, it greatly accelerates the process of testing and iterating compared to manual writing.

Link Building

Links remain one of the strongest ranking signals for SEO. However, producing enough high-quality content to earn backlinks organically is extremely labor-intensive.

AI substantially streamlines the ideation and drafting process. Marketers can generate 10x more link-worthy asset ideas to connect with industry websites and influencers.

The platform Jasper has partnered directly with website owners and subject matter experts to facilitate links and mentions for its customers. While links should still be earned organically, AI makes the heavy lifting of content production nearly frictionless.

Competitor Analysis with AI

AI writing technology also enables more rapid and extensive competitor analysis.

Rather than relying solely on manual reviews of competitor websites, AI tools can instantly summarize key pages, extract keyword rankings for comparison, rewrite sampled content for plagiarism checks, and pull out key statistics cited.

This allows digital marketing teams to track far more competitor domains with greater frequency. They can monitor new content releases, outreach campaigns, technical changes, and ranking fluctuations.

With a few clicks, AI dashboards can highlight competitor content gaps to target, opportunities to publish counter-narratives, inconsistencies to exploit, or new technical enhancements to emulate.

AI can achieve a depth of competitive intelligence that human analysis alone cannot. It shifts the playing field for entire industries.

Broader Digital Marketing Applications

Beyond core SEO, AI is also making an impact across social media marketing, email marketing, personalization, and more.

Social Media Marketing

Major platforms like Facebook and Twitter are pay-to-play now for branded content to gain significant organic reach. Paid ads are essential.

However, thought leadership content shared organically can still influence audience perception and improve conversion rates when followers do engage. AI lets brands quickly test many more social post ideas to determine optimal content formats, cadences, etc.

AI can also generate mountains of long-form content that social posts can then repurpose. This powers an agile, data-driven social approach.

Email Marketing

AI is extremely useful for improving email campaigns as well.

Personalized subject lines and preview text can boost open rates. AI-generated content recommendations drive higher click-throughs, and automated email flows scale one-to-one communication.

For email newsletters or dedicated lists, AI tools can instantly generate dozens of segment-specific articles on topics subscribers have expressed interest in. This custom content performs far better than generic email blasts.


Building personalization into the customer journey improves conversion rates by making messaging more relevant. AI excels at this.

Product recommendations, custom audience segments, individual post-click page content, and other personalization tactics are unlocked at scale through AI, with hands-off automation.

Chatbots with natural language capabilities can have remarkably human-like conversations to qualify leads or answer customer service inquiries as well. Over time, AI chatbots build personal relationships through memory capabilities.

Risks and Limitations of Over-Reliance on AI

While AI content has many applications for digital marketing, over-reliance on it does pose some risks.

In 2011, Google warned against low-quality “content farms” that aim to rank for keywords rather than satisfy user intent. This violates search engine guidelines.

Producing too much content focused solely on keywords rather than the audience can lead to lower engagement metrics. AI should enhance human-centric ideation, not replace it.

There are also limitations around complex emotional subjects or nuanced industry analysis that requires true subject matter expertise. For sensitive topics especially, AI lacks human judgment and wisdom. At the same time, using AI to generate content is unlikely to affect its rankings if you turn it into high-quality content that will be of value to the reader.

When it comes to link building, over-automation can undermine relationship-building with website owners in some cases. The outreach should maintain a human touch.

For these reasons, AI works best as a collaborative tool for marketers rather than as a complete substitute.

Best Practices for Leveraging AI Content

When used responsibly, AI content can greatly amplify digital marketing results. Here are a few best practices:

  • Take an omnichannel approach - optimize AI content across search, social, email, etc. simultaneously
  • Maintain a human editing, analysis and strategy layer - don’t go 100% hands-off
  • Focus on topics where you CAN deliver value - avoid purely speculative or manipulative content
  • Customize link building outreach while using AI to scale drafts
  • Review content rigorously against search quality guidelines
  • Monitor engagement and user signals beyond just rankings
  • Rotate content frequently rather than over-optimizing old posts


AI content generation has already had a sizable impact on the digital marketing landscape. As the technology continues advancing, it will reshape strategy across search optimization, social media marketing, email marketing and more.

Brands that learn to leverage AI as a tool rather than a crutch will have a distinct competitive advantage. However, avoiding overreliance on automated content is also key. There is still no replacement for human creativity, judgment and empathy when making true connections with audiences.

The marketers who thrive in the AI age will embrace human/machine symbiosis. With AI accelerating content production, marketers can devote more strategic energies to quality control, personalization, relationship building and understanding their customers at a deeper level.

Exciting times are ahead at the intersection of artificial intelligence, digital marketing and what it means to be human.