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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Penetration Testing from RapidSpike

The founders of RapidSpike built, managed, and successfully exited from a leading UK Security Company called RandomStorm before launching RapidSpike. One of the main areas that RandomStorm excelled in was Penetration Testing and the founders of RapidSpike have recently launched Pentest People to once again provide Penetration Testing services to the worldwide market.

CloudSploit Compliance Scanning Scans AWS Infrastructure for Compliance with Privacy Standards

One of the most common business requirements data handlers face is the numerous data privacy standards present as industry standards. Each industry has their own variation, each with their own specific requirements — but regardless of the standard or the applied dataset, compliance is extremely important.

How to Secure That Small Business WLAN

Too often, small business equals small budget when it comes to doing wireless, but sometimes just knowing what can be done goes further than more money. There are many ways to approach wireless security, and businesses of any size have options. Let’s talk about how I approach my own small- and mid-sized business (SMB) settings when it comes to security and Wi-Fi.

The SIEM Buyer's Guide

A security information event management (SIEM) solution is like a radar system that pilots and air traffic controllers use. Without one, enterprise IT is flying blind. Although security appliances and system software are good at catching and logging isolated attacks and anomalous behavior, today's most serious threats are distributed, acting in concert across multiple systems and using advanced evasion techniques to avoid detection.

Five worthy reads: Unified endpoint management, a 360° look at organizational security

One of the most obvious effects of the digital age is the unprecedented advancements in technology. Thirty years back, driverless cars, missions to Mars, and AI-powered robots were pure science fiction. Today, all these things are close to being an everyday reality. And speaking of unparalleled innovations, who would’ve thought that the day would come when all the devices around us—from mobile devices to sensors and appliances—could exchange information amongst themselves.

WordPress Security Scanning

With WordPress powering over 30% of the internet and a plugin ecosystem that allows anyone to write software which will execute code on your server, it’s no wonder that it’s become a popular target for hackers. As part of our Vulnerability Scanning service – which already checks for thousands of known software and configuration vulnerabilities for all major software products and operating systems – we now also test over 10,000 known WordPress vulnerabilities.