Ankur Agarwal, Rancher's Head of Product Management, describes new features in Rancher 2.2. Learn how to monitor multiple Kubernetes clusters in this step-by-step tutorial and how our Alpha Release process works.
For more than 20 years, Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) has been an innovator and leader in information and communication technology to reduce disaster risk and provide humanitarian assistance to those around the world affected by natural disasters.
A little over a month ago, Jeremy Daly introduced the concept of the #serverless bubble coming out of #ServerlessNYC. In his tweet he said “if you’re in it, a serverless solution seems intuitive. If you’re not, the paradigm shift can seem overwhelming (& unapproachable).”
Patrick, Vincent and myself founded Nexthink because we believed in a future in which IT departments and employees work together to have a great digital experience. At that time, we observed that IT departments were traditionally focused on server, network and applications and often neglected the employee experience as a key driver for success and productivity. At best, organizations were reactive to support users, instead of proactively fixing issues before employees were impacted.