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What's new in Avantra 23.1

It only feels like yesterday that I was writing about the new features in Avantra 23.0, but today I’m pleased to announce that Avantra 23.1, our first feature update of Avantra 23, is ready for download. We’ve been working on a number of different areas that I’ll try to summarize here, but I apologize for the length of this post! For those who want a complete list of changes, check out our public release notes.

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SAP HotNews automation and security

"How do we keep our data secure?" is the question nearly every organization is asking these days. The last spot any organization wants to be in is that of a security breach. Stephane Nappo, an industry known Chief Security officer, is often heard saying "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and a few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it". And here he's just referencing the fall out of a business's image from a breach and not even touching on the mass harm that can be done with stolen data in the wrong hands.

It's time to rethink your approach to SAP monitoring

SAP, the world’s leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, is widely used by organizations across the globe. Since its inception in the 1970s, SAP has become the top choice for supporting the most critical and deeply integrated enterprise applications. In fact, IDC notes that SAP is a market share leader in analytics and business intelligence, ERP and supply chain management.

What skydiving taught me about automation

Back in the day, before I was a father, before I was a husband, back when I was more of an adrenaline ‘junkie’, one of my ongoing adventures was skydiving. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a hobby as I never followed through with a certification, but I took my fair share of jumps. When I first started I would go with either a ‘static line’, where a cord hanging from the plane would pull my chute, or go on what is called ‘tandem’.

What a near motorcycle accident taught me about ServiceNow's CMDB

Back in my mid to late 20s, my most prized possession was my Yamaha R1 motorcycle. Living and working in the city of Milwaukee meant I didn’t need to worry about finding parking, gas was cheap, and it was fast, one of the fastest sport bikes on the market at the time. But with that speed and power comes great responsibility, and I took that responsibility seriously. If I was going to go out and meet friends, I promised myself, not one sip of alcohol.

3M achieves growth, performance and reliability with AppDynamics

As one of the biggest SAP shops in the world, identifying the root cause of system performance issues impacting business operations is critical to 3M. The conglomerate needed a monitoring system that could pinpoint the problems to allow for faster resolution. By deploying AppDynamics, 3M discovered they could address risk areas in their SAP production environments and adopt it as a daily monitoring tool across non-SAP applications.

How to get the most from SAP on Azure

In this post, we’ll show you how to get started with SAP on Azure. We’ll also cover the key features of SAP on Azure and how they can benefit your organization. We’ll show you how to set up SAP on Azure using Azure Active Directory (AD) and how to configure your SAP on Azure account. We’ll also show you how to access your SAP on Azure account. Give Avantra a try today for free.