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WhatsUp Gold

Defined and Explained: IT Infrastructure Monitoring

Modern IT environments and networks are more complicated and distributed than ever before, spanning public clouds, private clouds, edge locations and on-premise data centers. What once worked well—manual or simple monitoring tools—can no longer ensure end-to-end visibility within complex networks. How can you monitor what you can’t see? Fortunately, you now have access to a new generation of monitoring tools designed for the hybrid network.

The Ins-and-Outs of Hardware Monitoring

Avid PC gamers know that if you want optimal performance, you have to push your computer to its limits. And if your gaming “rig” is not properly equipped with a large interior fan, your PC can overheat, resulting in more than a few performance issues. It is the same for enterprise-level devices or pieces of hardware: overheating creates problems. One such enterprise-level piece of hardware (and arguably the most crucial piece of equipment) is a server.

Monitor More of Your Modern IT Infrastructure Webinar

Today’s IT infrastructure is an increasingly complex mix of servers, clouds, devices and applications. End-to-end visibility is necessary for network and system administrators to address outages and other issues. That’s why being able to automatically monitor more of your network is critical to your operational success. Watch this webinar to learn industry best practices for monitoring networks, servers and clouds.

Start Docking at the Port-The Importance of Monitoring Your Network Ports

Port monitoring is a necessary measure to make sure your network is running at an optimized level. For those unfamiliar with New England, many villages and cities began as fishing towns. These communities still do business on the sea, with multiple companies shipping out their products on massive boats. How do these boats gain access to the towns to continue doing business in them?

WhatsUp Gold: How to Choose a Network Observability Platform

Individual EU Member States are expected to transpose the NIS2 and RCE directives into national What are the key characteristics organisations should have to shift from network monitoring to network observability? The need is to have more of a platform approach. Let´s see how to choose a Network Observability Platform to succesfully manage the networks in highly distributed environments.

How Much Bandwidth Do I Have? How Do I Check Bandwidth Speed

Understanding how to check your bandwidth speed can make all the difference when your Internet connections appear slower than usual. Sometimes, not everything works as expected. A video conference takes too long to load everyone's cameras; downloading a vital document starts at a snail's pace; webpages present the visitor with a low-resolution HTML version of their website. Why do these kinds of issues occur in the office?

PC Pro Gives WhatsUp Gold Five Stars, Adding to Accolades

Popular computer magazine PC Pro added WhatsUp Gold to its "A List" of products for advanced features and ease and affordability of licensing, awarding it five stars in its review. WhatsUp Gold, first launched in 1996, has been growing in features and refinements for the past 27 years. More recently, the IT infrastructure monitoring (ITIM) solution gained capabilities another way.

How Taking Inventory of Your Network's Assets Can Benefit Your IT Workers

The ABCs of IT Infrastructure Monitoring (ITIM)—the Letter I is for Inventory of Assets. "Doing inventory" is probably one phrase retail and hospitality workers loathe. For many workers in these jobs, physically counting items can sometimes be an overnight job. For others in similar positions, it can make for an arduous all-day task while tending to customers' needs. However, despite the time it takes, it is still essential. How else will managers know which items to order for their store?

Why Grouping Devices Is So Critical for IT Infrastructure Management

135,000 is the average number of endpoint devices connected to an enterprise network. The estimate is in a joint report from Adaptiva and the Ponemon Institute, along with several other surprising statistics: A common challenge facing IT professionals is gaining insight into the devices connected to their network. With so many devices being used by employees, managers and IT workers, a solution to categorize and analyze these devices in one spot is essential.