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Aggregating and Visualizing Data with Kusto

Got the basics down and ready to move on to more advanced aspects of Kusto? You’ve come to the right place! Here you will learn how to use aggregation functions, visualize query results and put your data into context. If you’re just getting started with Kusto, check out our ‘Jumpstart Guide to Kusto’ before starting on this one. Let’s get into it!

Upgrade Your K3s Clusters Smoothly in Rancher 2.4

In Rancher 2.4, the latest release of Rancher Labs’ open source Kubernetes management platform, you can now manage K3s cluster upgrades from the Rancher UI. K3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution from Rancher that you can use to set up your development Kubernetes environment within minutes. It is great for production use cases and is built primarily for IOT and Edge devices. In Rancher 2.4, you can import K3s clusters and can manage the upgrades for it via Rancher itself.

EKS simplified on EC2 Graviton2 instances

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Kubernetes (K8s) have proven to be a powerful combination, with more K8s users also using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) more than any other Kubernetes managed service. With EKS, users are able to benefit from the agility and scalability of Kubernetes on AWS without having to manage the K8s control plane. Paired with Ocean by Spot, users are able to abstract away infrastructure management as well.

Cloud-native benchmarking with Kubestone

Organizations are increasingly looking to containers and distributed applications to provide the agility and scalability needed to satisfy their clients. While doing so, modern enterprises also need the ability to benchmark their application and be aware of certain metrics in relation to their infrastructure. In this post, I am introducing you to a cloud-native bench-marking tool known as Kubestone.

The Beginning of a New Journey: Outlining Ribbon's Strategic Initiatives

My first three months as President and CEO of Ribbon have been a whirlwind by any standard. But also satisfying and invigorating. We have huge potential and expectations for our new company as the merger of Ribbon and ECI accelerates, even while managing the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. Like everyone, we have quickly adapted to the new normal and in many areas are even more productive than before.

No room for downtime during lockdown

As of the beginning of June, even though some countries have started to slowly come out of lockdown, one-third of the world’s population is still at home in quarantine – a fact that is truly astounding. Never has reliable access to connected systems been so critical to the ongoing productiveness, emotional wellbeing, and even the survival of individuals and companies worldwide.

Infrastructure dashboards: Declutter your monitoring data and ensure you're not overspending

The task of monitoring and managing an entire network, including all the servers and applications that run on it, is by no means easy. With so many components of varying complexity, the volume of performance data coming at you can be overwhelming. This information overload increases the chances of missing data that could help discover performance inefficiencies.

Deploying a Containerized App in Google GKE

Because of its popularity and widespread adoption, Kubernetes has become the industry’s de facto for deploying a containerized app. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is Google Cloud Products’ (GCP) managed Kubernetes service. It provides out-of-the-box features such as auto-scaling nodes, high-availability clusters, and automatic upgrades of masters and nodes. In addition, it offers the most convenient cluster setup workflow and the best overall developer experience.

How to Use Monitoring Tools to Improve Root Cause Analysis

As an IT manager you would have often heard from your line manager or user ask “Let’s drill down to find the root cause.”? As dreaded a question as it may seem, it is really the most important answer to understand IT outages. IT infrastructure availability is highly dependent on isolating problems, so the deciding variable in a problem can be fixed without putting the entire system at a halt. This is where RCA can be of tremendous help.