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Log Analysis: What Is It and How Does It Work?

If you work in Information Technology, you have doubtless encountered logs- in fact depending on your area of expertise, you may be inundated with them on a daily basis. Nearly every piece of digital technology produces some kind of log, from complex web applications to the drivers that power your mouse and keyboard. As such, the definition of what a “log” actually is, is necessarily loose; any output received from a piece of software could be considered a log.

The 7 Application Performance Metrics You Need to Measure and Why

When it comes to releasing new features out into the wild, developers and managers alike need to toe the line between speed and performance. Take an all too common situation, where sales submits a high priority ticket to the development team that's a blocker for an enterprise deal coming through the pipeline.

Application Performance Monitoring - What is APM?

Software applications are increasingly critical for businesses today. They perform key customer-facing roles, power back-office activities, and help us gain greater insight into business activities. Using software gives us greater efficiency and leverage, but can come at a cost in terms of transparency. It can be hard to see how well customers are being served, where they are struggling, or understand why parts of the business aren't working as expected.

Video: Identifying Memory Bloat

In this video, we are going to take a look at what memory bloat is, what causes it, and how you can use Scout to eliminate it from your applications. Memory related performance issues have the potential to bring your entire application down, and yet, most APMs completely ignore this fact and fail to provide any useful way of monitoring memory usage at all.

How Containerized Applications Increase Speed & Efficiency

Most modern applications today are being designed as a set of microservices with each service running as an independent application. This simply implies that one large application is broken down into small Apps running independently and only communicating with each other. This of course makes it much easier to build and maintain Apps but also offers way more value when combined with containerization technology.

Find Where N+1 Database Queries Affect Your Application

One of the Scout’s key features is its ability to quickly highlight N+1 queries in your application that you might not have been aware of, and then show you the exact line of code that you need to look at in order to fix it. In this video, we will use a Ruby on Rails application as an example, but the same concepts apply to other popular web frameworks.

An Introduction to Kubernetes and Its Uses

It's easy to get lost in today's continuously changing landscape of cloud native technologies. The learning curve from a beginner's perspective is quite steep, and without proper context it becomes increasingly difficult to sift through all the buzzwords. If you have been developing software, chances are you may have heard of Kubernetes by now. Before we jump into what Kubernetes is, it's essential to familiarize ourselves with containerization and how it came about.

Database Monitoring and Performance

dbaddon.mp4 - Google Drive Sign in Most modern web applications are heavily reliant on persisting data with relational databases, and so it’s no surprise that a large part of application performance monitoring relates to keeping an eye on database performance to ensure that our SQL queries are as efficient as possible. With this in mind, Scout features a Database Add-on module, and in this video, we are going to take a closer look at what it has to offer.

Kubernetes vs. Docker

Kubernetes and Docker each play a vital role in modern, microservices-based application development. Since Kubernetes and Docker work in unison to help develop, deploy, and manage large-scale applications – they are not mutually exclusive technologies and they are certainly not in competition with each other. Nevertheless, Kubernetes and Docker are often misunderstood by the non-developer community. To clear up the confusion around Kubernetes vs. Docker, we’ve written this guide.

Serverless vs. Containers: Key Differences Explained

The “as a service” business model continues to grow rapidly, largely thanks to the rise of cloud computing. “As a service” offerings deliver IT products and technologies such as software, hardware, and data storage to consumers via the Internet, rather than having to install or manage them themselves. Serverless and containers are two such “as a service” technologies that have seen increasing adoption in recent years.