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Cycle Time Insight - Demo Den July 2021

Matt, a software developer on the Jira team building all things DevOps, shows off the brand new Cycle Time Insight and talks about how this insight can help your team go from issue deployed faster! Learn more about four key DevOps metrics to understand essential data DevOps teams require to have the visibility and control over their development pipeline.

Manage GKE services with Cloud Operations

Cloud Operations can help you quickly isolate or eliminate infrastructure issues from a limited set of data, but how can you identify problems with your service itself? And when there's a problem, how can you quickly fix it? In this episode of Engineering for Reliability, we’ll show how you can manage your services running on GKE with Cloud Operations.

How to Download Kublr

Kublr is an enterprise-grade Kubernetes management platform. Headquartered in Washington, D.C. and launched in 2016, Kublr automates the deployment and management of production-ready, secure Kubernetes clusters and environments. Kublr allows users to securely and reliably deploy, run, and manage containerized applications at scale. A subsidiary of EastBanc Technologies, Kublr is a proud contributor to the Kubernetes codebase, an active member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and completed the CNCF Kubernetes Software Conformance Certification program.

How to Connect With Other Community Members on THWACK

At some point, all IT professionals need a little help, and a great way to get that help is to ask other IT pros. A great place to ask for some help is the THWACK community. SolarWinds solutions are rooted in our deep connection to our user base in the THWACK® online community. More than 150,000 members are here to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly contribute to our product development process.