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How to Install Kubeapps Using vSphere with Tanzu and Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters

Looking for an easy application to deploy? Kubeapps dubs itself “your application dashboard for Kubernetes.” Through an intuitive user interface, you can deploy up to 80 applications. Learn how simple it is to get Kubeapps up and running using Tanzu Kubernetes Grid and vSphere with Tanzu.

JFrog CLI Plugin: rt-fs

JFrog CLI Plugins allow enhancing the functionality of JFrog CLI to meet the specific user and organization needs. All public plugins are registered in JFrog CLI's Plugins Registry. The source code of a plugin is maintained as an open source Go project on GitHub. Anyone can develop their own plugin, in Go. This rt-fs plugin runs file system commands in Artifactory. It is designed to mimic the functionality of the Linux/Unix 'ls' and 'cat' commands. Watch this video to see how.

JFrog ChartCenter: How to Include Helm Charts from Source

Learn how you can add your Helm chart to ChartCenter directly from its Git-stored source. ChartCenter will host your Helm repository for you to share it with the world. Until the release of Helm v3, you might have submitted your Helm chart to the official `stable` or `incubator` chart repository to share it with the community. But this Helm chart archive is no longer actively maintained, and is not accepting new charts. Now all Helm charts must be in a hosted repository elsewhere.

Finding Unstable Query Plans in SQL Monitor ("Bad" Parameter Sniffing)

A common but tricky issue to identify in SQL Server is when something called "parameter sniffing" goes bad. In this video, Redgate's Kendra Little shows how to identify if a query has an unstable execution plan in SQL Monitor, where to find the parameters which were "sniffed" for each query plan, and gives tips on where to start to resolve the issue.

Kubernetes GitOps with Rancher Continuous Delivery

As the number of Kubernetes clusters under management increases, application owners and cluster operators need a programmatic way to approach cluster management. Rancher CD solves this by creating a git driven engine for applying cluster changes. Declarative code is stored in a git repo. As changes are committed to the repo, linked clusters are automatically updated. Gitops keeps all your clusters consistent, version controlled, and reduces the administrative burden as you scale.

How to Enable Detection Rules via Elastic Security - Version 7.10

The detection engine brings automated threat detection to the Elastic Stack through the Security app in Kibana. As part of our belief in the power of open-source, Elastic Security has open sourced all our detection rules to work alongside the security community to stop threats at scale and arm every analyst. In this video, you’ll learn more about the detection engine and how to automate the protection of your data.

Sips - "Monolith to Microservices: The Developer Experience - 'It's so Complicated!'"

Coffee and Containers "Sips" are short clips from the regular Coffee and Containers web series. By 2022, IDC predicts that 90% of all new apps will feature a microservices architecture. Some of the drivers behind that are the improved ability to design, debug, update and leverage third-party code, and more. However, transitioning an existing application from a traditional monolith architecture to microservices architecture can be very challenging. How do we get started down the microservices path?