Dashboard Fridays: Sample SQL Page Timeframe dashboard

Dashboard Fridays: Sample SQL Page Timeframe dashboard

When writing a SQL query, getting the date and time to format correctly can be a real pain. What is the current date and time, and how is it formatted? What happens if I want the date and time from 30 days ago?

This SQL Page Timeframe dashboard demonstrates how the current date is picked up from the server hosting SquaredUp and how the Page Timeframe button impacts the date and time in a SQL query. Several different examples are demonstrated.

In this Dashboard Fridays video, join Adam Kinniburgh and Shawn Williams as they demonstrate how this SQL Page Timeframe dashboard was built, and how you can easily replicate it in your own environment.

To learn more and download the dashboard pack, check-out the Dashboard Gallery page: https://squaredup.com/dashboard-gallery/sql-page-timeframe/