Modernize as You Migrate: Scale Your Migration Teams with JIRA Integration and Project Templates

Modernize as You Migrate: Scale Your Migration Teams with JIRA Integration and Project Templates

Nov 9, 2023

Episode 3 of our 'Modernize as you Migrate Series' explores how to efficiently scale cloud migration work across teams using @tidal4774 's latest features. Tidal Accelerator now integrates with Jira templates, allowing teams to replicate workflows and manage tasks consistently and in real-time. The episode highlights simplified workflows, timelines, tasks management and the elimination of manual errors and repeat work. Increase productivity and streamline your cloud migration process today with Tidal Accelerator's project templates and Jira integration.

00:00 Introduction to the Modernize as you Migrate Series

00:08 The Challenges of Scaling Cloud Migration

00:20 Introducing Tidal Accelerator: A Solution to Migration Delays

00:39 New Feature Alert: Jira Integration with Tidal Accelerator

00:56 Benefits of Using Tidal Accelerator's Project Templates and Jira Integration

01:03 Call to Action: Sign Up for Tidal Accelerator