Synthetic Monitoring for Windows, VDI & 2FA | 2 Steps

Synthetic Monitoring for Windows, VDI & 2FA | 2 Steps

Sep 11, 2022
In our latest presentation at SplunkLive 2022, we discuss the benefits of synthetic monitoring and explore use cases.

We relate synthetic monitoring to a heart rate monitor for application performance. It fits hand in glove with real user monitoring and provides insights into how real customers and employees are experiencing the application.

Historically, we’ve seen limitations with real user monitoring. If nobody is on the network or using the application, then you're not receiving any performance data.

Also, the performance data that you typically receive is from a panel rather than every single user.

With synthetic monitoring, a virtual user that’s on 24/7, you get that regular heartbeat in terms of what is going on in a controlled environment. Hence, you can repair application performance before your customers are impacted.