What Is CICD Pipeline | Container Native CICD | Razorops | Best CICD Tool

What Is CICD Pipeline | Container Native CICD | Razorops | Best CICD Tool

Jul 8, 2022

Software development teams can build, test, and deliver applications more quickly with support of the efficient and modern Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) platform Razorops, which is built on containers.

With Razorops, a cutting-edge Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) platform built on containers, software development teams can build, test, and release apps more quickly.

Check out the below link to know more about Razorops:https://bit.ly/3yc1VYs
What is ci/cd pipeline: https://bit.ly/3OPGdR8
Difference b/w continuous integration & deployment: https://bit.ly/3bYnaW0
Try Razorops from Free: https://bit.ly/3ak1BPv