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August 2020

Five things to Log in your CI Pipeline: Continuous Delivery

Logs in continuous delivery pipelines are often entirely ignored, right up until something goes wrong. We usually find ourselves wishing we’d put some thought into our logs, once we’re in the midst of trawling through thousands of lines. In order to try to prevent this, we can add DevOps metrics into our logs, which will provide us with greater observability, and give insight into anything going wrong in our pipelines.

Running Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana on Kubernetes with Helm

Kubernetes (or “K8s”) is an open-source container orchestration tool developed by Google. In this tutorial, we will be leveraging the power of Kubernetes to look at how we can overcome some of the operational challenges of working with the Elastic Stack.

Logging Best Practices: From Simple to Space Age

It is tempting to consider logging as a simple, solved problem. We write a log, check our file and, boom, we’ve cracked it. Yet those of us who have sat up at three in the morning, trawling through log files over an unreliable SSH connection, know that this is simply not enough. As your system scales, so too must the sophistication of your tooling. Your logging best practices must be scalable and ready to support your efforts.

Logstash CSV: Import & Parse Your Data [Hands-on Examples]

The CSV file format is widely used across the business and engineering world as a common file for data exchange. The basic concepts of it are fairly simple, but unlike JSON which is more standardized, you’re likely to encounter various flavors of CSV data. This lesson will prepare you to understand how to import and parse CSV using Logstash before being indexed into Elasticsearch.

How to optimize your logging costs

CIOs see data costs as their greatest logging challenge to overcome, according to this survey we collaborated on with IDC. If you’re running significant production operations, you’re almost certainly generating 100’s of GB of log data every day. Naturally, you’re also monitoring those logs and querying for incident investigations. However, most log data is never queried or analyzed, yet makes up the majority of logging costs.

Application Logs: 8 Goals and Best Practices to Aim For

Running a successful company relies on current and accurate information about the underlying systems. Much of this information is contained within your application logs. By investing in your log management solution, you can unlock these crucial insights and access a wealth of powerful data. This post presents a series of goals that will allow you to make the best possible use of your application logs.

The Top Elasticsearch Problems You Need to Know

The ELK stack is an industry-recognized solution for centralizing logging, analyzing logs, and monitoring your system use and output. However, the challenges of maintaining your own stack overcoming common Elasticsearch problems need to be considered. The popularity of the ELK Stack can be boiled down to two, key tenets. First, the management and analysis of logs is an incessant issue for developers, SMBs, and enterprises alike.

How Capgemini Solved Multi-Cloud Observability on Heroku/Salesforce

The modern enterprise has expanded its reach by using the power of cloud computing. However, with that power comes complexity in leveraging the multiple platforms needed to provide rich functionality. To achieve a seamless integration that involves multiple cloud infrastructures you need insightful and actionable data. You also need the right team to bring the clouds together in a seamless, effective, and efficient manner.

Optimizing logs for a more effective CI/CD pipeline [Best Practices]

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) delivers services fast, effectively, and accurately. In doing so, CI/CD pipelines have become the mainstay of effective DevOps. But this process needs accurate, timely, contextual data if it’s to operate effectively. This critical data comes in the form of logs and this article will guide you through optimizing logs for CI/CD.

The Ultimate Guide to Microservices Logging

Microservice architecture is widely popular. The ease of building and maintaining apps, scaling CI/CD pipelines, as well as the flexibility it offers when it comes to pivoting technologies are some of the main reasons companies like Uber and Netflix are all in on this approach. As the amount of services in a microservice architecture rises, complexity naturally also rises.

Troubleshooting Common Elasticsearch Problems

Elasticsearch is a complex piece of software by itself, but complexity is further increased when you spin up multiple instances to form a cluster. This complexity comes with the risk of things going wrong. In this lesson, we’re going to explore some common Elasticsearch problems that you’re likely to encounter on your Elasticsearch journey.