Sometimes innovation requires ideas unconstrained by traditional structures and removed from day-to-day responsibilities. It was in this spirit that PagerDuty’s People HackWeek–a friendly competition to explore how generative AI might impact the future of HR–was born.
The travel industry is experiencing an unprecedented surge in demand from people seeking adventure and eager to explore new destinations. Given an abundance of choice and the desire to have a personalized experience, customers are turning to tour operators to remove complexity from planning so they can focus on the holiday and not on the process of planning it.
It’s finals week for the US Open, one of the most celebrated sports events in the world. Tennis is my favorite sport to watch as I’m fascinated by the strength, composure and endurance each player displays while standing by themselves on the court, sometimes during incredibly long matches – the current record is 11h05.
A critical partner in your supply chain just went down. An earthquake just hit your main operations hub. Breaking news about your organization just hit social media. Bad news first—there’s always another crisis or existential threat to your organization on the horizon. If you don’t have an established Crisis Response process and team in place, you’re running a high risk of failure.