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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Why Kubelet TLS Bootstrap in Kubernetes 1.12 is a Very Big Deal

Kubelet TLS Bootstrap, an exciting and highly-anticipated feature in Kubernetes 1.12, is graduating to general availability. As you know, the Kubernetes orchestration system provides such key benefits as service discovery, load balancing, rolling restarts, and the ability to maintain container counts by replacing failed containers. And by using Kubernetes-compliant extensions, you can seamlessly enhance system functionality.

Packets per Second in EC2 vs Amazon's Published Network Performance

First, let me say that I know AWS doesn’t promise anything about network performance as it relates to packets. At best, they leave it as a multivariate calculus problem for the reader — inclusive of CPU performance, code optimization, MTU, and current network congestion under the VLANs. But still, I was curious to see if there was any correlation to Amazon’s published “Network Performance” and the actual packets per second metric I tested.

How to Triage Test Failures in a Continuous Delivery Lifecycle

Continuous testing has evolved to become an important phase in modern application development and delivery. When we at Sumo Logic sketched out a plan to start delivering our microservices continuously, we knew we needed to define a delivery pipeline, which would run our automated tests and provide feedback in early phases of development.

Migrating from Monolithic to Cloud Native Applications

Lately, the public cloud services market has created one of the biggest disruptions in the tech market. In fact, as per Forrester Data, public cloud services forecasted a 22% CAGR in the public cloud market from 2016 to 2020. In addition, Gartner projected the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to grow 35.9% by end of 2018 to reach $40.8 billion. Looking at the potential of the cloud market and the benefits associated, right now would be the apt time to migrate from monolithic to the cloud.

Configuring a Build Pipeline on Azure DevOps for an ASP.NET Core API

Joao Grassi — a .NET developer, front-end hobbyist, and friend of Sentry — likes .NET very much and recently tried to bring a friend to the “dark side” of .NET development. To win a point, he decided to create a small sample project using Azure DevOps. As he started, he struggled to find helpful information in the documentation (like how to control the artifact name).

8 Emerging Trends in Container Orchestration

As Docker adoption continues to rise, many organizations have turned to orchestration platforms like ECS and Kubernetes to manage large numbers of ephemeral containers. Thousands of companies use Datadog to monitor millions of containers, which enables us to identify trends in real-world orchestration usage. We're excited to share 8 key findings of our research.