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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Near Real-Time Log Collection From Amazon S3 Storage

We are very excited to announce a new capability for our Amazon S3 sources. Until recently, the only method Sumo Logic used for discovering new data in an S3 bucket was periodic polling. However, with our new notification-based approach, users can now configure S3 sources such that Sumo Logic is notified immediately (via AWS SNS) whenever a new item is added to an S3 bucket, eliminating the need to wait for new objects to be discovered via periodic polling.

The 2019 State of IT Careers: Diving into data on the IT job market

With favorable economic conditions in many countries, unemployment rates in the U.S. and UK at historically low levels, and tech workers in high demand, indicators suggest it should be a good time for IT professionals to get ahead in their careers. But how many businesses are currently hiring, and what types of IT skills are in demand? And how optimistic are IT pros that they’ll be able to get a raise, or move on to a better job within next year?

Disable Unused IAM Access Keys Action

According to Best Practices for Managing AWS Access Keys, if you must utilize IAM access keys, it is best to remove or disable unused keys. This will close possible security holes in your AWS account. Today, we’re happy to announce a new action to help with this task: Disable Unused IAM Access Keys. This new action will iterate through the IAM users in your AWS account, determine when any access keys were last used, and if they were not used inside a configurable threshold, disable the keys.

Logs for Dogs: Automating Infrastructure, Scaling, Deployment, Logging and Alerting at Wag!

Looking for best practices to keep on top of the availability of your application in the cloud and keep your customers happy? Come and listen to Dave Bullock, Software Engineer and Architect at Wag!, as he recounts his team’s journey. Wag has radically improved their infrastructure and visibility into their systems and application with a combination of Terraform and Sumo Logic.

An in-depth look at 100% Zero Downtime deployments with Terraform

At Checkly, we run our browser checks on AWS EC2 instances managed by Terraform. When shipping a new version, we don’t want to interrupt our service, so we need zero downtime deployments. Hashicorp has their own write up on zero downtime upgrades, but it only introduces the Terraform configuration without any context, workflow or other details that are needed to actually make this work in real life™.

Leveraging The Microservices Transition With Serverless

As managing legacy monlith applications becomes increasingly cumbersome, many companies are investigating how integrating microservices into their application architecture can solve problems related to maintaining and updating the application, safely adding new features, managing scaleability and onboarding new developers.