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Common SAP system performance issues and their solutions

SAP is the leading provider of enterprise software in the world. Many global organizations depend on various SAP systems for running their operations. Naturally, SAP system performance issues can take a toll on business performance. Slow system performance can even lead to issues like downtime or lower user productivity. At the same time, SAP performance troubleshooting can be complex for large enterprises. This is due to the heavily interconnected global IT infrastructure and the complexity of these environments. This article will discuss some SAP performance issues and how you can deal with them.

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Act now on SAP automation and escape the automation paradox

In the last few weeks, I have had a number of conversations with customers about what we have come to call the Automation Paradox. What happens is that organizations seeking to automate manual processes are so busy, that they cannot find the time to invest in automating in the first place, and so they find themselves frozen - unable to move forward. I took some time to talk to customers who got through this, and found a number of themes that may help you get past this. Blocks are often a state of mind

What is an SAP automation platform? The Pinewood Derby Story

My son, currently nine years old, is an active Cub Scout and we’re coming up on one of the most popular Cub Scout yearly events, the Pinewood Derby. For anyone not familiar with the Pinewood Derby, it is a competition where the scouts are given a small block of wood along with four little plastic wheels and are given the opportunity to design a car that will be raced against other scouts.

What's new in Avantra 23.1

It only feels like yesterday that I was writing about the new features in Avantra 23.0, but today I’m pleased to announce that Avantra 23.1, our first feature update of Avantra 23, is ready for download. We’ve been working on a number of different areas that I’ll try to summarize here, but I apologize for the length of this post! For those who want a complete list of changes, check out our public release notes.

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SAP HotNews automation and security

"How do we keep our data secure?" is the question nearly every organization is asking these days. The last spot any organization wants to be in is that of a security breach. Stephane Nappo, an industry known Chief Security officer, is often heard saying "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and a few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it". And here he's just referencing the fall out of a business's image from a breach and not even touching on the mass harm that can be done with stolen data in the wrong hands.

What skydiving taught me about automation

Back in the day, before I was a father, before I was a husband, back when I was more of an adrenaline ‘junkie’, one of my ongoing adventures was skydiving. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a hobby as I never followed through with a certification, but I took my fair share of jumps. When I first started I would go with either a ‘static line’, where a cord hanging from the plane would pull my chute, or go on what is called ‘tandem’.