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DevSecOps and Log Analysis: Improving Application Security

As time goes on, more and more organizations are abandoning the outdated waterfall development methodology for more practical and efficient Agile development practices. As this movement has occurred, development teams are moving faster than ever by employing Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) practices that are serving to shorten development cycles and get new features into production with increasing speed.

Monitoring (with) Elasticsearch: A few more circles of hell

This is the second part of our two-part article series devoted to Elasticsearch monitoring. The heading of this article refers to Dante Alighieri’s “Inferno”, in which Dante offers a tour through the nine increasingly terrifying levels of hell. Our journey into Elasticsearch monitoring was also filled with hardships, but we have overcome them and found solutions for each case.

The Value of Threat Intelligence Automation

The news is full of stories about the talent shortage in IT, especially in IT security. This shortage has created pressure on organizations to grow IT operations and to do that securely, all while having too few staff. Many are turning to threat intelligence to give their security analysts the tools they need to evaluate threats quickly and effectively. Essentially offering “Intelligence as a Service,” these tools enable organizations to benefit from the research of others.

Back to Basics: Working with Linux Audit Daemon Log File

If you run the audit daemon on your Linux distribution you might notice that some of the most valuable information produced by auditd is not transmitted when you enable syslog forwarding to Graylog. By default, these messages are written to /var/log/audt/audit.log, which is written to file by the auditd process directly and not sent via syslog.

Ruby logging best practices and tips

Ruby is an opinionated language with inbuilt Ruby logging options that will serve the needs of small and basic applications. Whilst there are fewer alternatives to these than say, the JavaScript world, there are a handful, and in this post, I will highlight those that are active (based on age and commit activity) and help you figure out the options for logging your Ruby (and Rails applications).

Email Notifications from Understand.io

Built specifically for Laravel, Understand.io is a very powerful tool used by hundreds of developers to stay on top of their application’s health. In addition to performing live search and analysis on your log data, you can also set up custom alerts. Alerts can be used to automatically send a variety of notifications via email, Slack or a webhook when something important takes place in your application.

Understand.io – Online Event and Log Management

Applications logs are a critical factor in helping ensure that your online applications are running at their best. By using Understand.io you can get deep visibility into your applications in real-time, helping you to easily track down error messages, application requests, customer problems, and much more.