The latest News and Information on Log Management, Log Analytics and related technologies.
In the era of big data, data lakes have emerged as a popular way to store and process massive amounts of data. Fortunately, with Cribl Search and Cribl Stream, you can create a Data Loop to optimize the use of your data lake by saving Search results as part of an investigation. Our four-part video series explains how to set up Cribl Search and Cribl Stream to establish a Data Loop using the Amazon S3 Data Lake destination in Cribl Stream and the Cribl Stream in_cribl_http source.
CI/CD pipelines have become a cornerstone of agile development, streamlining the software development life cycle. They allow for frequent code integration, fast testing and deployment. Having these processes automated help development teams reduce manual errors, ensure faster time-to-market, and deliver enhancements to end-users. However, they also pose risks that could compromise stability of their development ecosystem.
SIEM has been a crucial component of security systems for nearly two decades. While there’s ample information on operating SIEM solutions out there, guidance on evaluating and managing them effectively is lacking. We’ve noticed many SIEM vendors are taking advantage of this dearth of knowledge and not providing customers with needed value for what they’re buying.
In the complex world of Kubernetes, logs serve as the backbone of effective monitoring, debugging, and issue diagnosis. They provide indispensable insights into the behavior and performance of individual components within a Kubernetes cluster, such as containers, nodes, and services.