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Big Data and Kubernetes - Why Your Spark & Hadoop Workloads Should Run Containerized...(1/4)

Starting this week, we will do a series of four blogposts on the intersection of Spark with Kubernetes. The first blog post will delve into the reasons why both platforms should be integrated. The second will deep-dive into Spark/K8s integration. The third will discuss usecases for Serverless and Big Data Analytics. The last post will round off with insights on best practices.

5 reasons to use Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the de facto open source container orchestration tool for enterprises. It provides application deployment, scaling, container management, and other capabilities, and it enables enterprises to optimize hardware resource utilization and increase production uptime through fault-tolerant functionality at speed. The project was initially developed by Google, which donated the project to the Cloud-Native Computing Foundation. In 2018, it became the first CNCF project to graduate.

Simplify Migration from OpenShift 3 to 4

This is a guest post written by Appranix. Now that Red Hat OpenShift 4 has officially been released, it’s time to start thinking about migration from Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3 to OpenShift Container Platform 4. You can check out the details about the differences between OpenShift 3 and 4 here. One of the biggest differences between OpenShift 3 and 4 is how OpenShift 4 clusters operate using immutable and automated infrastructure enabled by RHEL CoreOS and automation.

Kubernetes & Tigera: Network Policies, Security, and Auditing

Of course, Tigera’s ability to provide Kubernetes pod networking and facilitate service discovery is extremely valuable, but its real superpower is that both Tigera’s commercial offerings and open-source Tigera Calico can implement network security policies inside a Kubernetes cluster.

Meeting PCI DSS Network Security Requirements in Kubernetes Environments

Compliance standards such as PCI DSS have assumed that traditional characteristics and behaviors of the development and delivery model would continue to be constant going forward. With the Container/Kubernetes revolution, that set of assumptions is no longer entirely correct. Attend this webinar and learn about what’s changed, how those changes weaken your compliance and control environment, and what you can do to adjust to the new reality.

How To Extend Firewalls to Kubernetes to Stop Breaking Existing Security Architectures

Security teams use firewalls to secure their production environments, often using a zone-based architecture, and Kubernetes does not deploy well to that architecture. Application teams are launching new business-critical applications on Kubernetes and are aggressively moving to production. A clash is bound to happen.

Getting started with Jaeger to build an Istio service mesh

Service mesh provides a dedicated network for service-to-service communication in a transparent way. Istio aims to help developers and operators address service mesh features such as dynamic service discovery, mutual transport layer security (TLS), circuit breakers, rate limiting, and tracing. Jaeger with Istio augments monitoring and tracing of cloud-native apps on a distributed networking system.

Solving Kubernetes Configuration Woes with a Custom Controller

Two years ago, Pusher started building an internal Kubernetes based platform. As we transitioned from a single product to multiproduct company, we wanted to help our product teams spend less time worrying about shared concerns such as infrastructure and be able to focus more on writing business logic for our products. Over this period, our platform team have solved many of the problems that Kubernetes doesn’t solve out of the box. Until recently, we had not solved the problem of configuration.

What's new in Calico v3.8

We are very excited to announce Calico v3.8. Here are some highlights from the release. You can now view IP address usage for each IP pool using calicoctl. This allows you to more easily manage the IP space in your cluster, providing a simple way to see which IP pools have addresses available and which are running low. See the calicoctl reference documentation for more detailed information on how to use this feature.