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Aiven for Metrics is Now Available

There's a new metrics service in town – Aiven for Metrics provides Prometheus metrics powered by Thanos. Aiven recently added a new service to our offerings: Aiven for Metrics is now in Early Availability. Similar to Aiven for M3, Aiven for Metrics is a Prometheus-compatible solution powered by Thanos, a CNCF project aimed at providing highly available Prometheus metrics with long term storage capabilities.

The Dark Side of Real-Time: Privacy Concerns and Ethical Dilemmas in Retail

If retailers want to build trust with customers, they must be transparent about data collection and usage. This blog provides actionable guidance on gaining valuable insights from data while protecting customer privacy. The retail sector's increasing use of real-time data analytics is a double-edged sword in our privacy-first world. On one hand, it is a promising new revenue opportunity that leverages what retailers, by default, can already access.

Unleash Savings and Scalability with Aiven for Apache Kafka

Tiered Storage reduces storage costs, increases operational flexibility, and provides unlimited data retention scalability Aiven announces the general availability of Tiered Storage in Aiven for Apache Kafka. Tiered storage enables Apache Kafka to seamlessly move older, less frequently accessed data to a lower cost storage tier within Kafka. This enables infinite data retention while substantially reducing storage costs and improving performance and operational efficiency.

The Intersection of Compliance and Risk vs Security in Financial Services

FSIs face rising compliance demands, squeezing budgets and cybersecurity risks. Open-source tech and careful vendor selection can mitigate these challenges. As explored in our two most recent blogs, changing compliance regulations and policies by specific regions and countries are having a significant impact on financial services institutions (FSIs).

Reverse your ETL: Stream BigQuery data to Aiven for Apache Kafka with continuous queries

BigQuery continuous queries enable the reverse ETL pattern. You can now stream your enriched data from BigQuery back to the operational data layer using Aiven for Apache Kafka. BigQuery enables customers to quickly generate insights about their data. Its native integration with AI tools allows organizations to transform row assets into valuable information that can be used to generate more accurate decisions, streamlining companies' growth.