In episode 2 of Network AF, meet Nina Bargisen. Nina has spent over two decades in network engineering and talks to podcast host Avi Freedman about her history in interconnection and peering. She’s worked for companies like Netflix and TDC (formerly Tele Danmark Communications). Now Nina is Kentik’s director of GTM strategy focused on supporting service providers. Nina joins Avi on the Network AF podcast to discuss: Nina’s entry into networking was non-standard.
Yesterday the world’s largest social media platform suffered a global outage of all of its services for nearly six hours during which time, Facebook and its subsidiaries, including WhatsApp, Instagram and Oculus, were unavailable.
Hear here! Today we’re very excited to share that our Co-founder and CEO Avi Freedman launched a new podcast, Network AF. If you like nerding out on all-things networking, cloud and the internet, this podcast is for you. If you like networking how-tos, best practices and biggest mistakes, this podcast is for you. If you want to up your poker game, well… this podcast might also be for you.