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Orchestration and Automation Helps Defense, Intelligence Personnel Tackle Higher-Level Tasks

What if you could get your hands on a force multiplier that got rid of the repetitive, routine work that was tying down your team, got more productivity out of your assembled work force, and gave everyone a more challenging, meaningful to-do list that made better use of their knowledge, experience, and passion?

Maximizing Your Splunk Investment: Introducing Splunk Lantern

Congratulations, you just bought Splunk! You made a great decision, and now it's time to start solving all those business problems on your plate. Maybe you are trying to reduce the time spent managing cyber risks from hours to minutes. Or you might be executing a digital transformation of your customer experience. Or perhaps you are trying to save $70 million dollars in an IT consolidation project. But you have just one question: how?

A Deep Dive into SignalFx Microservices APM Alerts

The promise of NoSample™ full-fidelity distributed tracing with unlimited cardinality exploration is that no application performance degradation will be sampled away. This ensures that executions, which exemplify problems related to latency and/or errors will be retained for further inspection and analysis. Additional value can be extracted from trace data by determining when such investigations should occur, in other words, by identifying spikes and anomalies in endpoint latency or error rate.

Making the Collection of Centralised S3 Logs into Splunk easy with Lambda and SQS

Got multiple AWS data sources in the same S3 bucket but struggle with efficient SNS notifications based on prefix wildcards? Well, struggle no more, we’ve got your back. Many of our customers have a centralised S3 Bucket for log collection for multiple sources and accounts. For example, all Config, CloudTrail and Access Log logs may be routed into one central bucket for an organisation.

Why the CEO Cares About Splunk

Evolving business themes come at us in waves. So far this millennium we have had The New Economy, The Cloud, and now Digital Transformation. Underpinning these themes are real, economically significant dynamics that drown out the bleating voices of pundits and cynics alike. The Internet is not a bubble, the cloud is not a fad, and digital transformation is, well, transformative. Let’s take a look at what that last one means for Financial Services.

Global Restart: CIOs Need to Simplify in the Face of Complexity

We have to get everyone back to work. The global restart of economies derailed by the coronavirus pandemic is challenging organizations across the board. And from one industry to the next, IT must be a central player in establishing a new normal. Organizations that had to entirely shut down facilities — retail stores, manufacturing plants, restaurants, theme parks — may particularly struggle to reestablish operations with new approaches that protect worker and customer health.

3 Regulatory Compliance Trends That Are Accelerating in 2020

A growing attack surface and the exponential rise of data has opened the floodgates for breaches, leading to increased scrutiny by regulatory agencies. It’s not surprising that in recent years, regulators have had to double down with compliance mandates that are more stringent and punitive than ever before.

How To Determine When a Host Stops Sending Logs to Splunk...Expeditiously

So I've only been at Splunk for 8 months, and in the short amount of time I've been here, one of the most common questions I've been asked is “How do I get an alert when Splunk is not receiving logs?". As a matter of fact, if I had $0.05 each time I was asked this question, I would have $0.25! Surprisingly, with this being such an often-asked question, I haven't been able to find much documentation on how to accomplish this using the native features of Splunk.