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Manufacturing in Crisis Mode: How Data Power Can Help

For those of you with some gray hair working in the manufacturing business, remember when order intake plunged suddenly by more than 40%? Remember when CFO and Controllers ruled the company, driving painful cost-cutting programs to counter double-digit business losses? It was the time of the Economic and Financial Crisis 2007/08, which forced manufacturing organizations to stare in the abyss.

Top Four Payoffs of Being a Data Innovator in Financial Services

I recently chatted with Adam DeMattia from leading research and analyst firm ESG in a webinar about data use maturity in financial services. According to the research1, 21% of financial services firms identify as data innovators (compared to 11% of global respondents) — those who make smarter use of data as a matter of strategic importance.

Why Are Financial Services Companies Turning to Data and Analytics to Deliver Improvements in Customer Experience?

Splunk’s recent "What Is Your Data Really Worth?" report1 highlighted the importance of data and analytics to financial services companies. In our global survey of business and IT decision makers2, 89% of respondents from financial services companies felt that the intelligent use of data and analytics is becoming the only source of differentiation in the industry.

IT Operations: The Value of Data

I recently participated in a webinar exploring the question "What is Your Data Really Worth?" in the context of financial services. Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), in partnership with Splunk, performed a global research survey of 1,350 business and IT decision-makers across leading economies and industries. Over the course of the webinar we discussed their findings with my participation focused on IT Operations.

What is Your Data Worth in the Fight Against Fraud?

You don’t need us to tell you that fraud and financial crime is on the rise. A quick google search will give you endless stats to support this claim. Fraud losses are increasing as a percentage of revenue, and that direct impact on the bottom line isan area of laser focus for senior execs.

Splunk & Google Cloud Partnership: Gain Actionable Insights from Your Data

Digital transformation is reshaping every aspect of our lives—from health to education to economic prosperity, and data is at the heart of it. At Splunk, we are bringing data to everything, enabling organizations worldwide to investigate, monitor, analyze and act on their data across IT, Security, and DevOps use cases. Through this digitization, we see customers accelerate their journey to the cloud for increased agility, reduced costs, and faster time-to-market.

Unlock the Value in Google Cloud with Splunk Observability Solutions

We are excited to announce a strategic partnership with Google Cloud to bring real-time observability into Google Cloud Services and modern applications for our joint customers. Cloud has become essential to modernizing IT environments and enabling the digital initiatives of organizations large and small. Organizations undertake IT modernization – including cloud adoption – to accelerate innovation and increase operational efficiency while optimizing IT spend.

Making Machine Learning Accessible to More Users

As we connect with customers we increasingly hear the need for teams to be more predictive with their data. A big challenge is uncertainty around how to get started, especially when much of their data is unstructured. At Splunk, our goal is to make data — and machine learning — accessible for a broad range of users. The good news is, with machine learning doing even more work on your behalf, you don’t need to be a data scientist to use these advanced capabilities.

3 Tips for Building a Strong Unified Cloud Security Strategy

In a world full of threats targeting data as well as stringent compliance mandates, it’s never been more important to create a strong unified cloud security strategy. But as cloud environments become more complex and diverse, it’s also never been more difficult. Even if you’re partnering with a notably secure provider, it’s still important to understand your security responsibility and to be proactive about protecting your data in the cloud.