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Graph Analytics Using Splunk and the Machine Learning Toolkit

Almost all data in Splunk can be turned into graphs, and that's possibly something you may not have considered before. In your network traffic data, a source IP connects to a destination IP with attributes like bytes in/out, packets, ports, and other properties. Users log into an interconnected stack of systems, services, devices and applications which are connected with each other. Transactions run from A to B to C and may describe a process that helps you analye user journeys and business processes in general.

The Words of the Birds - Leveraging AI to Detect Songbirds

When was the last time you had the chance to listen to some of the most beautiful concerts that nature can play for you? From simple chirps and tweets to complex bird songs composed into a sophisticated soundscape, you may wish you could decrypt and understand their daily conversation. “Hey, good morning, how are you today?”, you might hear in the early hours, sometimes so loudly that you are awakened from the chirping.

A Smarter Way to Preprocess Your Data

In May we released the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) version 5.2. We’ve loved telling you about some of the great new features, including the most recent blog on DensityFunction. However, we know that before you can start experimenting with model-building algorithms such as DensityFunction, your data needs to be prepared for machine learning. Machine learning operates best when you provide clean data as the foundation for building your models.

Containers, Microservices, and Kubernetes

Faster application development requires more agile application infrastructure. Containers started the transformation of modern application architectures which now are dominated by microservices running on Kubernetes. In this episode of Dissecting DevOps find out how cloud infrastructure has changed, how the modern architectures make application development easier, and the unique challenges introduced by microservices and Kubernetes.

The New Normal: Organizations Need Security Leaders More Than Ever

The world is changing at a pace not seen in modern history. Security leaders, including chief information security officers (CISOs), face new security challenges as well as opportunities. As COVID-19 drives workers to look for new ways to live and work, organizations must be proactive. The ‘new normal’ may seem scary at first, but savvy CISOs who see beyond tactical changes to the threat landscape can capitalize on opportunities.

Operationalizing HashiCorp Vault: Introducing a New Splunkbase App to Monitor Vault

We are excited to announce the availability of the Splunk App for HashiCorp Vault. Using this app, organizations can seamlessly ingest and visualize performance metrics and audit logs in Splunk to investigate, monitor, analyze and act on Vault data across DevSecOps use cases.

Splunking Slack Audit Data

The Slack Audit Logs API is for monitoring the audit events happening in a Slack Enterprise Grid organization to ensure continued compliance, to safeguard against any inappropriate system access, and to allow the user to audit suspicious behavior within the enterprise. This essentially means it is an API to know who did what and when in the Slack Enterprise Grid account. We are excited to announce the Slack Add-on for Splunk, that targets this API as a brand new data source for Splunk.

CI/CD Detection Engineering: Splunk's Security Content, Part 1

It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to take a break, come up for air, and write a blog for some of the amazing work the Splunk Threat Research team has done. We have kept busy by shipping new detections under security-content (via Splunk ES Content Update and our API). Also, we have improved the Attack Range project to allow us to test detections described as test unit files.

Nation-State Espionage Targeting COVID-19 Vaccine Development Firms - The Actions Security Teams Need To Take Now!

Throughout the duration of COVID-19, there have been consistent rumors of increased nation-state espionage. In parallel, many recent ransomware strains have a COVID-19 tie-in. Now the United Kingdom's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), published an advisory report that the threat group APT29 is targeting governmental, diplomatic, think-tank, healthcare and energy targets for intelligence gain which are involved in COVID-19 vaccines development and testing.

Tackling Financial Crime is a Matter of Data: Fresh Thinking on an Age-Old Problem

Financial firms need to take a holistic view on their financial crime defenses to keep pace with the changing crime landscape. Dealing with the onslaught of attacks has historically elicited a Pavlovian response to this age-old problem — increased regulations or tighter risk management protocols, which in turn have proven to be ineffective over the long term.