Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Splunk Now Top Contributor to OpenTelemetry

Editor’s note: This post is a collaboration between Tim Tully, Splunk CTO, and Spiros Xanthos, Splunk’s vice president of product management for observability and IT Ops and previously the founder and CEO of Omnition. My love for the open-source software movement began with Linux in the ’90s and grew during my time at Yahoo! in the early days of Hadoop.

Alerts vs Incidents vs ITSM

In order to effectively address production issues in your application, you need to have a strong incident response strategy. Incident response starts with an alert which leads to mobilization and response, and finally results in a record of all that happened and was learned from addressing issues. In this session of Dissecting DevOps, learn about the lifecycle of incidents from alert to post mortem and why incident response is as much a strategy as a process.

MLOps - Logs, Metrics and Traces to improve your Machine Learning Systems

Once you’ve reached the point where you want to deploy your machine learning models to production, you will eventually need to monitor operations and performance. You might also want to receive alerts in case of any unexpected behavior or inconsistencies with your model or your data quality. This is where you most likely start learning about various aspects of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps).

Rethink Your Strategy for the Post-Covid Data Age

From an economic perspective, we see COVID-19 as the thing that brought global business to a standstill. But I think that in the longer term, we’ll see it as the catalyst for accelerated digital transformation. The effect of the virus on business and IT leaders has been to dramatically compress the strategic long view. The trends businesses saw coming over the next five to ten years, the developments that will drive growth opportunities or pose a disruptive threat ...

Prescription for Safe Reopening: Pivot Fast, Listen Closely, Adapt Along the Way

As colleges and universities work through their plans for a safe reopening this fall, they’re realizing that one of the most profound impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the system shock it delivered to the planning process. Post-secondary institutions have always had to be masters of innovation.

Do you KYC?

Compliance has often been a checkbox exercise, primarily seen as a defensive strategy in preventing financial penalties and PR embarrassments. However, some organizations have taken a different approach. They’ve used compliance on the offensive - to give a competitive edge, turning “compliance teams” into “innovation teams”. These companies have improved processes and increased customer experience. They’ve installed an elevator instead of fixing the ladder.

Don't Let Security Go Up, Up and Away (in the Clouds), Start with Data

Security teams can’t defend what they can’t see. As organizations move more workloads to the cloud, security teams need added visibility into these new workloads or risk having blind spots that lead to compromise. In the first installment of our "Getting Data In" webinar series, "Modernizing your SOC for the Cloud Age Starts with Security Foundations," we demonstrate how to quickly and easily onboard data into Splunk Cloud.

Moving Organisations Forward, Not "Returning to Normal"

As Australia prepares for the challenge of returning to the physical office, organisations nationwide are considering the best course of action when it comes to ensuring that their workers have the most adaptable and flexible approach possible. The year has been unpredictable and frightening, both on a societal and governmental level. Some companies have managed to weather the storm while others have struggled, and ultimately challenging times are as much ahead of us as they are behind us.