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What Is Load Balancing?

Load Balancing is the process of distributing network traffic among multiple server resources. The objective of load balancing is to optimize certain network operations. Ensuring that a workload is spread evenly among the computing resources, this “balanced load” improves application responsiveness and accommodates unexpected traffic spikes — all without compromising application performance. Let’s take a deeper look at this important networking function.

Building an AI Assistant in Splunk Observability Cloud

Splunk Observability Cloud is a full-stack observability solution, combining purpose-built systems for application, infrastructure and end-user monitoring, pulled together by a common data model, in a unified interface. This provides essential end-to-end visibility across complex tech stacks and various data types, such as metrics, events, logs, and traces (MELT), as well as end-user sessions, database queries, stack traces and more.

Uncomplicate SLOs to Deliver Digitally Resilient Systems and Better Customer Experiences

If your organization has an observability practice, it’s likely that the end goal was to increase system reliability and customer satisfaction. But balancing reliability needs with the need to innovate to meet ever-increasing customer expectations remains a challenge for most.

Build Resilient Connections in Communications and Media with Splunk

In our super connected world, the Communications and Media industry has a lot on the line. Your networks help people stay in touch, get around-the-clock care, and protect their nest eggs. Expectations are incredibly high. And reliability is a must. At Splunk, we help Communications and Media organizations build resilient digital systems.

Splunk Product Reviews & Ratings - Enterprise, Cloud & ES

Today, cybersecurity is a non-negotiable for business success. Original research from our annual State of Security confirms this is no easy task – which is why we are proud that the solutions we deliver help make organizations digitally resilient. Splunk Cloud Platform, Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Enterprise Security are our most well-known and popular solutions, which we’ll share more about below.

Resilience Talks with Orange Business: Counting the Cost of Downtime

Disruption in business is inevitable. In partnership with Oxford Economics, Splunk quantified the total cost of downtime for the Global 2000 to be $400 billion per year. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Our latest research revealed that hidden costs may deal an even larger economic blow to companies.